Evolution version pro version 
Author: Stando K.Who can tell me what the difference is between the standard features in evolution and the premium features in proffesional when you look at the compare chart its not explaind.
it concerns: project backup, build in editor and styles, customization options, payment methodes, voucher an discount managment, database integration, acces management and locked pages, and responsive design
Wie kann mir sagen, was der Unterschiedzwischenden Standard-Featuresindie Evolution sindunddiePremium-Funktionenin der professionellen, wenn Sie denVergleichkarte sehen wurdeesnicht erklärt.
es handelt sich um: project backup, build in editor and styles, customization options, payment methodes, voucher an discount managment, database integration, acces management and locked pages, and responsive design
grusse stando
Hello Stando,
The best way to fully and clearly understand the differences between the features in each edition is to compare the help files:
http://help.websitex5.com/en/v12/evo/index.html- Evolution
http://help.websitex5.com/en/v12/pro/index.html- Professional
The Home edition is a very basic edition which lacks many of the more advanced features.
The comparison chart is only intended to offer a brief and compact overview.
If you have specific questions as to whether or not a feature is implemented in a certain edition then feel free to ask us and we will assist.
Kind regards,