Author: sherif taha
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I have some questions regarding website X5 as the following :
If I need to build internal website for my staff , the system can work for IIS .
If I need to share many PDF in one page how Can I do this
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Hello Sherif !
Generally it uses the Apache to PHP, most believe it works rather IIS.
With respect to share PDF , the program offers the option of you share PDF and PPT, where you will find this " page creation " option in the Widgets . Or at google docs , which is free . I hope it was helpful for my answer.
Tradução para português
Olá Sherif!
Geralmente usa-se o apache para PHP, mais creio que funciona sim IIS.
No que tange a compartilhar PDF, o programa oferece a opção de você compartilhar PDF e PPT, onde você irá encontrar essa opção "Criação de página" no Widgets. Ou pelo docs google, que é gratuito. Espero que tenha sido útil minha resposta.
IfI need tobuildinternalwebsitefor mystaff,thesystemcanwork forIIS.
Ans.I advise usingLinuxserversto runyour projectmany customershave reported problemswithWIndowsservers.
IfI need tosharemanyPDFin onepagehowCanIdo this
Ans.You cando thisquietly,when youinsert a linkjust choosetoaquivooptionunderwhichopens.