Google ReCaptcha 
Author: Todd D.OK, because all this is new to me I could not get the direct export to work but spent some time this morning and now email is working via direct upload with exception... (ref:
I find the WebsiteX5 Catcha too hard to identify and want to use Google ReCaptcha (easier for clients).
Regarding Google's ReCaptcha Client-side Integration: Where do I paste the Google 'snippit' lines? Under the specific 'Contact Us' page expert tab or Statistics, SEO + Code page. See below...
In WebsiteX5 program - A) enabled captcha filter on send tab of email page; B) cut and pasted site key and security keys to Advanced Settings/Privacy and Security/Security tab/Google reCaptcha fields; C) Then went to Map Creation/Contact Us/Properties/Expert tab and I see where to paste my first integration 'snippit' ie: before closing head tag on HTML page but can't get ReCaptcha to locate where I want to >>> locate below client input fields but above footer. Google states "Paste this snippet at the end of the <form> where you want the reCAPTCHA widget to appear:" I can not find this location
Thank you
Hello Todd,
For the google recaptcha you need only to paste the 2 keys you receive since the other code is automatically added by the program.
Once you have added the 2 keys activate on the email form object the captcha function and the program will add all the necessary code and you can proceed to export it online.
Take in consideration it can take time the first time you activate google recaptcha to work since google needs some time to enable it completely.
Many thanks!
I have tried turning off Captcha option and deleting keys, then saving website and then replacing re-Captcha keys then turning back on Captcha setting on email send page and am still not seeing the Re-captcha. NOTE: had reCaptcha working a few weeks ago then something made system not work (got an error message). Any thoughts? thinking I should delete reCaptcha account and re-initiate? then use new keys?
Hello Todd,
Can you please write me the link to the page you have the recaptcha?
do you remember the errore message you received?
Many thanks!