Conversion of projects. How to upgrade them without any hassles. 
Author: Incomedia
A Website is a living entity that needs to keep pace with the times. Upgrading projects created with an older version of WebSite X5 to the current version is simple and isn't dangerous. And thanks to the use of the new features included, it has certain advantages.
Here are the answers to some questions that you might need to ask before you convert and update your projects.
What do I have to do to convert an existing project?
With version 16 of WebSite X5, updating your projects is much easier than it used to be. All the projects are now stored in the same folder, regardless the version they have been created with, so that now they are automatically displayed in the initial Project Selection window. So, all you need to do is to select the project created with the previous version and click on Next: a message will inform you that the project will be automatically converted for the current version.
With the versions previous to 16, on the other hand, you will need to follow these steps to update your projects:
- In WebSite X5 v14 (or earlier), open the project you want to upgrade, go to Step 5 and choose Export Project, specifying the destination folder. You'll get a compressed file in .IWZIP format containing both the project file and the linked files.
- In the Project Selection window of WebSite X5 v15, click on the Import button and select the .IWZIP file for the project you previously exported. At the end of this process, the project will appear in the Existing Projects list.
- Select the imported Project from the list of existing projects and click on the Next button to proceed with the necessary changes.
N.B.: The time required for the import varies on the basis of the size of the project and the number of the linked files. When you open the document after that, however, you won't have to wait.
If something goes wrong while converting the project, will I lose everything?
No, even if you encounter problems and your file is somehow corrupted during the opening and updating process, you won't in any case lose the project. During conversion, a copy of the original project that remains intact is created.
Which projects can I convert to the current version of WebSite X5?
With version 2019 of WebSite X5, you can automatically convert projects created not only with version 17, but also with previous versions 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
Regarding editions, however, the rule that projects created with a certain edition (for example, Evolution) can be opened and modified or a higher version of the same edition or with a more complete edition (for example, Professional) applies.
For special conversions needs, please contact our Technical Support Service by posting in:
When updating a project, what should I keep an eye on?
In general, given the improvements in new versions, updating projects may cause some changes compared to the original. It is therefore advisable to identify these changes and manage them as best you can.
- Notes for converting from version 17 to version 2019: There are no particular notes.
- Notes for converting from version 16 to version 17: There are no particular notes.
- Notes for converting from version 15 to version 16: There are no particular notes.
- Notes for converting from version 14 to version 15: There are no particular notes.
- Notes for converting from version 13 to version 14:
- Notes for converting from version 12 to version 13:
- Notes for converting from version 11 to version 12:
- Notes for converting from version 10 to version 11:
- Notes for converting from version 9 to version 10: