Ipad without responsive design 
Author: Mikel R.I have this problem:
I switch the responsive function in X5 on.
I select set a breakpoint at 1200px between he Desktop-mode and Smartphone-mode. No other breakpoints.
My Ipad has a resolution of 2048 x 1536 and the website would look good on the Desktop-mode.
But X5 decides to always show the website on my Ipad in the smartphone-mode. That's bad, I haven't the same possibilities on the Smartphone-mode as on the desktop-mode in X5, especially concerning the header, footer and menu.
Of course I could deactivate the responsive function of X5 but than the real smartphone-users (with low resolutiions) would be served better with the smarphone-mode
Is it possible to use the responsive function in X5 for small devices and on the same time use the desktop-mode for Tablets like Ipad?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Mikel,
Could you please verify what resolution is showing the browser as example with http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/ ?
On a retina device the browsers usually sees the resolution as 1024 instead of 2048 and this is the cause of what you experience.
Many thanks!
Hi Claudio
You're right. It shows 768x1024.
Is there any possibility on X5 to use 1200 as breakpoint for desktops and on the same time show the desktop-version on tablets with resolutions of 768x1024? One way is to deactivate the responsive function, but this is no desired. Another way is to lower the with of the header in the desktop-version to 1000px an so X5 sets the breakpoint at 1000px, but this is too small for usual desktops an a lot of space is wastet in the website.
The best way would be to keep the 1200px-version for desktops but be able to set the breaktpoit at lets say 1000px.
Is there a way to do that on X5 or maybe there is another solution?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Mike,
No it's not possible to show the same view on 2 differen breakpoints. You will need to use as template width 1024 so only when the widht is lower it will switch to the responsive view.
Many thanks!
ok, thank you.
Best Regards