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Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

Still having a problem with PDFs  en

Author: Duncan Baker
Visited 2003, Followers 1, Shared 0  

If you recall I was having a problem with PDFs that worked fine in Version 12 but not 13 - I wonder iof there is any more news? refers but I don't seem to be able to post any further comments there. I really don't want to have to uplad all the PDFs agin - but will have to if that is the onyl way forward. I have paid for version 13 but am still having to use version 12 on some sites necause of this problem.

Many thanks,


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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Duncan, I have a number of websites with  PDF's, some using the PDF widget. On one I did it the way you have done it and pointed at a pdf already on the server (I came to use the pdf widget AFTER they gave the option to load locally) and it works perfectly (V13.0.3.22). Could it be that to fix the issue you need to revisit every PDF and re-type the url?

If so I suggest changing to local file and then upload again would be easier (and faster than Incomedia's response).

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

Thanks :)

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Posted on the from Duncan Baker