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Olov S.
Olov S.

Conversion projects v8 to v9  en

Author: Olov S.
Visited 4888, Followers 3, Shared 56  

Is there possible to launch and work with a project from Evo 8 to Evo 9?

If not how can use my old projects?

May i do new ones?

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John Smith
John Smith

Yes, you can open and convert the old v8 projects. Please refer to this link for further info

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Posted on the from John Smith
Robert G.
Robert G.

After converting project from v8 to v9 and uploading it, will I be able to use v8 to upload my project from within v8 if I will not be happy with the look of my website after converting it to v9? Is there any way of keeping older version of the project or is it going to be completely lost after conversion? 

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Posted on the from Robert G.
Mirko Nosenzo

The WebSite X5 Evolution 8 IWP file will not be changed, so, if you want, you'll be able to reexport your project with this version.

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Posted on the from Mirko Nosenzo
U. Hebeisen
U. Hebeisen

is this conversion also available with the v9 Compact version?

I've just bought the v9 Compact version (besides the v8 Evo) to see the changes. We have still the v8 installed in the classroom but the students will buy the latest version and I need to know the differencies.

But as I can see there are many features trimmed down that I wouldn't have expected Cry.

And it looks like the import of .iwc files as well

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Posted on the from U. Hebeisen
Samantha M.

Dear Ueli,

you can not import your projects from Evo 8 into Compact 9, you can import them only from Evo 8 to Evo 9 and from Compact 9 to Evo 9.

There are 200 new features in Evo 9, please have a look at this page where you will find all the info you need regarding them. We haven't removed many functions, maybe you can not find them? What exactly are you looking for?

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Posted on the from Samantha M.