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Francos H.
Francos H.

301 Redirection??  en

Author: Francos H.
Visited 2050, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I am busy working to SEO for my website - the people I am using say there is an issue with the 301 redirection. Where do I go fix it? The people that host the website say this has nothign to do with them and it sits in the admin panel on the website. Where and how do I manage this. I though perhaps via google webmaster but the seo guys tell me no it must be doen through the control panel of my website. So where do I do this?

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Francos, normally this redirect is not needed. If your website is generating 301 errors it usually means that something (menu option, link, etc) is pointing at a webpage that has been permanently moved (fixing this link is the best solution) or perhaps a search engine is finding a page created in an earlier version of the site (this should ultimately repair itself over time as search engines refresh and update from your new sitemap).

However, if file names have changed or the site has been relocated, it may be necessary to create a redirect. If you still have access to the pages "left orphaned" by a new domain structure, you can add code to each page to redirect back to the correct page. You can do this in WX5 or if absolutely necessary, the htaccess file which you will find in the root of your domain (use filezilla to find it and download it, then use notepad to modify it, then upload it back to the root).

For an overview of 301 redirection

Good luck.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Francos H.
Francos H.

Thanks for your reply. this is what I received from my seo guys:

Also we found 301 redirection issue on website, currently website is opening with 4 different URL structure. These are given below but website shoul be always open only with one URL which is

Please add 301 redirection to fix this with issue.

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Posted on the from Francos H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

It sounds like you simply need to edit the htaccess file as detailed in my last post and explained in the tips link.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..