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Ben D'Andrea
Ben D'Andrea

Changing font or bkgrnd color on Reply emails sent back to a client that used the email form from EV13  en

Author: Ben D'Andrea
Visited 1403, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I created an email form for a client's website using a blue template.  Functionally it's fine, but when my client responds to the inquiry using the original message he received from his client, the type is hard to read due to a color conflict.

I need to change (see sample, red arrow) either the font color or the background color to make it more readable.  Is there a way to accomplish that in EV13?

Thank you


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Esahc ..
Esahc ..


Step 2

Customisation, showbox, tooltip and email, click on email tab, you can change background and border colour under email layout and background and text colour under message content.

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