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Techinova T.
Techinova T.

Problema com nova versão  en

Author: Techinova T.
Visited 1830, Followers 1, Shared 0  


I use W5 version (64). I´m having serius problems with this version:

1 - The pages I create, simply disapear. 

2 - The page I create om computer do not work on website (example - list of figures does not work on published site)

3 - Some of the pages I create does not work when I upload to server.

4 - Durin the creation, the pages misconfigure themselves

5 - After saving a project, when I re-open it next day, the pages are all misconfigured or disapears

6 - Text do not respond to Justfy comand. I have to justify it in other program (Word, for instance) and, then, import to text bos in w5. If ia try to change any word or line, it completely change.

7 - Some pages simply disapear from the MAP, and I have to create it again. Bt it does not work in the next day (some times hours)

These a just some of the problmes. I cant continue to stay this way. My site is already published and I need to fix al problems urgently.

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Maycon Silva Santos,

Does this happens only with one project or also with other ones?

Can you please also test it with a new project to see if the same happens?

Which windows version are you using?

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Techinova T.
Techinova T.

Hello Claudio,

I have only one project. You can see the reult by entering the site

What´s going on?

I work from my home to construct the site where I use windows 8 (64 bits). When finished, I upload the new version and save a copy of teh project in my computer (file.wzip). This file, I upload to the same seerver where my site is hosted.

When I go to the office, I proceed with download of the project to another computer and load the Website X5 to make any changes (if needed).

At this time, after some changes made, the site begins to misconfigure. Some of the characters are changed (for instance, I use Arial font in the whole site, but some texts are changed to another diferent one), or texts that were previously justified, becomes right (or left) sided.

As you suggested, I made another project (the entire site was constructed again from the begining). I saved the new project, uploaded the site (wich is now working) but when I reopen the WZIP and make changes, some pages misconfigures agains.

Thanks for attention.

Maycon Silva Santos

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Posted on the from Techinova T.
Claudio D.

Hello Maycon Silva Santos,

In this case I need to see the project file to understand on what it depends.

can you please write me the link to the IWZIP file so I can download it?

I've set the post as private so only we can read the content.

Let me know on which pages I can see the issue.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.