New and interesting "BUGS" in the programme WebSite X5 ver 13 Pro... 
Author: QHSE Group ApSWhat now...
Suddenly, after uploading my website - made some changes to "body text" on a few pages - my header dissappears!!
...but not completely?! On some pages, the header are complete - on some pages, an image is missing - on some pages the header is gone...
Could you please recommend a Website programme that works, and are without all these bugs?
Maybe I should sell you a car? Well after the buy, you will discover that the engine is missing - but don't worry, I will give you an instruction on how to install the engine yourself!!
I bought a programme, and I expect it to work - and I don't expect to be instructed in how to repair it myself!! You sold the programme, what about you fix all the bugs - or maybe better, do not sell the programme untill all bugs are fixed.
Best Regards
Ole Hansen, DK
Ole, can you provide a link to your site?
Hey Ole, people need more info to help you. You know, like OS, computer, which version you're on, screen shots and or a link as Esahc is asking for. Do you have any 3rd party apps or extra code installed? Could your project be corrupted, do you have a backup? Have you installed a fresh download of X5 or using a licensed trial version? Your problems are not common, so something is wrong. Do you have the same problems with a new small project?
Regards - Donald
(WWB is not an easy program like X5, I have them all, it's also a one man show that could join the Titanic at any time, as many already have!)
Have you refreshed cash after update, you might get old data from your own pc cash, it's best to check your site and then press F5 in your browser for all changes to be loaded correctly. This could be a browser issue, please try.
If it does not help, please add a link as Esahc suggested.
Thank you.
hi Andre
I think we need a spell checker in this forum, its cache and not cash haha just pointing it out, I might do a few simple tutorials on clearing the cache and rebuilding the project file etc
LOL thanks Jamie,
Well as long as it's clear I don't mind. I am not a language goeroe, and never will be. But yes a speller might help, maybe I will install one as an add on. But for now I have more importend things. :) (like doing my taxes bleeeh, and testing the new beta version...)