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Michael O.
Michael O.

Cell style responsive design  en

Author: Michael O.
Visited 1061, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I have created a cell style which shows on a full size screen but it does not show on the responsive design for mobiles.

I have tried a simple box white outline and one of your cell style templates (29.png) but I only get text on mobiles - no background.

Design in progress -

How can I get the cell style to work on all formats?

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Claudio D.

Hello Michael O.,

The cell styles are automatically disabled once you go below the latest breakpoint which in your case is 480px. You can try to set the last breakpoint in step 1 - responsive design to 3260 or 320 pxx so it will be shown also if the screen is smaller but below this width it will be hidden.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.