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Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

Download digital  en

Author: Duncan Baker
Visited 2742, Followers 2, Shared 0  

I have set up the shopping cart to download a digital product - but the customer is not getting sent a link to downlkoad the digital product. He/she is getting charged OK via PayPal but cannot download the product.

Grateful for your help and advice.


Posted on the
Christine O.
Christine O.

The customer do not get the link before you have handled it in the online controlpanel. Once you see that the order are payed for, you click on prossed in the controlpanel, and then the mail with the downloadlink will be sent to the customer.

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Posted on the from Christine O.
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

Thanks Christine - but surely this should be automatic. People expect that they should be abe to get the download straight away. Do I need to check every 15 seconds?

Incomedia - do you have any comment please?

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Posted on the from Duncan Baker
Christine O.
Christine O.

I agree that it had been easyer if this happens automatic, but I don't think thats easy to do, cause to do that you need some sort og contact between every kind of payments and the program. In my case I juse banktransfer and PayPal. PayPal has many posibilitys, but when its comes to banks I belive its not so easy... But this I think the Incomediastaff can answer.

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Posted on the from Christine O.
Claudio D.

Hello Duncan,

It has been choosen to not send it automatically but only after it has been approved in the admin control panel so the payment can be correctly verified since it could happen the payment is not completely done or modified and the customer gets the product.

In this way you will be always sure the payment arrived.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

As I said to Elisa,

Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately folks are now used to an instant download link being sent to them. With your system, folks have towait several hours to get the download link - and they are not happy.

I have put a comment on my website that they will have to wait - but they are still not happy.


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Posted on the from Duncan Baker
Claudio D.

Hello Duncan,

We will take this in consideration for future releases of the program.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.