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Paul H.
Paul H.

Version 13 Responsive Design limitations than 480px  en

Author: Paul H.
Visited 1336, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I have just migrated a website from V11 to V13. Responsive Design works on all screen formats except mobile format less than 480px.

Normal page width is set at 800px for a laptop

I noticed that I can view only one page at less than 480px.

Any help is appreciated

Cheers, Paul

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Paul, in step 4 Pages, click on responsive settings and select the lowest breakpoint. Check if all cells are set to visible.

I have upgraded a number of projects to V13 and often the cells at the lowest resolution have been set to not visible.

(unfortunately I could not load your site to see if this may be the case)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Excellent - and for what it's worth, I now have no problem loading your site :-)

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