FTP server 
Author: Elvir Krslak
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I'm in my final stage and wanted to publish my website, only to find out that I need an FTP server to do that.
When I figured out how to begin I find out that my firewall is blocking that. How do I do that properly without jeopardizing my safety? Can you explain that to me step by step because at this point I,m not sure if this is a safe way to build a website or not.
Please help me by going through this crucial part step by step.
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See that the firewall does not block your ftp, there is no more to it. This is something you need to set in your firewall, if you want to be safe then set only the ftp adress of your provider to let it pass through.
Then set the data from your provider (like password and adress and login in x5 and let x5 ddo the rest, the only thing after that is to select the correct folder on your ftp space at your hosting. (this your hosting can help you with or has already been given to you. Else check there FAQ section.
For x5 there is more information in the help file:
Thanks for your input Andre. This is new for me, so I feel I need more guidance. How do I go about adjusting the settings of my firewall just enough to let FTP pass through? (I have windows 10 edge)
For example,after adding the FTP site name I get options about SSL. The recommended option to take is Require SSL. When I click on that, I get stuck.
I really would like to help you with that, but there are dozens of firewall's I don't know what you have, check the supplier of the firewall. The standard windows firewall should give you no trouble if set in standard mode.
Why does it not work? What kind of firewall do you have (brand)? Can you make a ptscrn? Have you try-ed searching internet or FAQ of the firwall supplier to seek a solution?
I'll try to solve the firewall problem with the provider.
To get a FTP connection going I follow the steps from this website: http://www.avoiderrors.net/setup-ftp-server-windows-10/
(That website can by the way be useful to others with a similar problem)
But when I come to the section:
"On the Binding and SSL Settings page, click on the drop down to select the IP Address of the computer, Select “No SSL”. If you do have an SSL certificate, you can choose either “Require SSL” or “Allow SSL”."
The instructor warns that it is a MUST to have an SSL certificate if you're going to have a webpage. That means I have to install an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate costs around 40 dollars a year, which means additional costs. This was a surprise to me. I thought I could launch a webpage without problems or additional costs with your software, but apparently that's not the case.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not some bitter person, just a very excited person that wants to publish a cool webpage that I've created. You can imagine my dissappointment when I was finally ready to export it only to find out I have to do a lot of additional "research".
But you do advertise the product like it's ready and quick to launch in 5 easy steps, and I'm finding it a little difficult to agree : ). Now all of a sudden I have to chase some FTP around :). The avoiderrors.net guy was a big help, and frankly I did expect that kind of engagement from you guys. My bad. Instead you just redirect me to some page on your booklet that I already read and I don't get, which is why I'm contacting you in the first place.
Hello Elvir,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Maybe some things aren't clear, first thing, I am a user like you and I am not from Incomedia, the people from Incomedia have Incomedia staff in there name tag.
But still to get back to your question, the things your are talking about are provider issues. X5 does not need an certificate. My site is running for many years without with no troubles. And I have a lot off other sites running all without certificate because the providers I and some of my clients use don't force a certificate on us.
If you provider obligates you to take one then this is there decision, x5 works without and with and has no influance on or for this.
You could choose another provider or check with them if this is all really needed. x5 only needs an ftp adress and a login name and password, these needs to provided by the provider, with these you can export your project to make it a website online.
Sorry I can't help you with these things. Wit questions obout x5 I am very happy to help you any way I can.
Best Regards,
Hi Andre!
Thanks for your reply! So nice of you to try and help. I really appreciate it. I misunderstood and thought you were from the X5 team. Webpage building is new to me and I'm learning. I'll do as you suggested.