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Andrea G.
Andrea G.

Creating Project Files and Virtual Memory  en

Author: Andrea G.
Visited 1032, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I was working on a site and this morning saved it before going to work. When I came home I reopened it and it started slowly loading and was creating project files. By the time it got to 30% (which took over an hour) it had used up ALL my virtual memory and the project crashed. I had worked on this site the last four days and didn't have this issue. I rebooted my computer, but now I'm dealing with the project not even giving me a percentage on the "creating project files" after giving me the "project did not save correctly would you like to continue."

Is there any way to prevent this slow loading, virtual memory hogging/crashing or even KNOW it correctly saved before closing the program??

Thank you

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Andrea, since you have Pro13, please make frequent use of the backup option (down arrow next to save). For absolute security, occasionally run export project and create an iwzip file for storage other than on your PC.

You may already have a backup you can restore, especially if you have ever used the built in FTP to upload your site.

Is this a relatively new PC? If not, have you considered running chkdsk c: /r from an administrator CMD prompt.

What operating system are you running?

Do you have ample free space on the HD?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..