Directory from which changes to html files will not overwritten by future updates.
Author: Stephen L.
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If I want to make a more or less permanent change to an html file (for example adding a Facebook pixel), in what directory do I make the file changes in: the root project directory*, the "preview" directory**, the "upload" directory***, or some other directory?
*C:\Users\steve\OneDrive\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v13 - Professional\STOSS Books\
**C:\Users\steve\OneDrive\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v13 - Professional\STOSS Books\Preview
***C:\Users\steve\OneDrive\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v13 - Professional\STOSS Books\Upload
Posted on the
The best place is within WX5 program itself and add an html cell.
Unless you wish to link to an html file, in which case, drop the code into your preview folder and also to you public_html folder on your server so it can be found in both your preview and online when called.
So when a website is updated, do the files that are in the "preview" directory get copied to the "upload" directory?
No Stephen.
If you are using the built in FTP engine, you could put it in the upload directory, but I am not sure if it is ever flushed.
In the past I used to use filezilla, and because of this I created a directory to export to disk, then simply uploaded everything in that directory. It was handy, because I could even add an iwzip as a permanent backup if I wished.
Great suggestion. Thanks Gordan.