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Steve J.
Steve J.

Cart Status  en

Author: Steve J.
Visited 1253, Followers 3, Shared 0  

How do I get the Cart Status widget to look like the attached jpg. All I get on my site is a piece of plain text.

The attached image is a snap shot of the preview from X5.


Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

I guess there is something wrong with the onject, I get the same as you, it should be good from the start without extra work.

I will set this post for Incomedia to check, please be patient, they don't work in the weekends and usualy take 1 or 2 days to respond.

Thanks for reporting this.

Best Regards,

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Posted on the from Andre E
Elisa B.

Hello Steve,

the Object works in the way you described, i.e. you can choose to show the price, the number of products or the weight. Only a text is displayed, which obviously updates every time the user adds something in the chart.

If you want to get a similar graphic result you have to choose an image to be used as background and then place as many Shopping Cart Objects as you want, each one showing the piece of information you want to.

Thank you, I wish you a nice day.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Andre E
Andre E


Sorry I don't agree it should be like in the example of the object, there are more posts with download issues if you did not had the objects earlyer installed, check on a pc of your collegue that has installed it and see how it looks like there. I suspect it will be like the example, please check.

I think there is something wrong on a server that has the pictures on them or with the availability of the download of these.


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Posted on the from Andre E
Elisa B.

Hi Andre,

I confirm that the one shown in the preview is the end result, after the customization. The Object itself only shows text (number of Products, weight and price), which automatically updates when the user adds a product to the shopping cart.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Elisa,

Thanks for your reply.

I can remember being it like it is in the preview you see in x5, it is not nice to show a very nice graph, and then let the object itself only set a part of the text that is in the example. And also with no standard picture like in the example. You can also set only 1 item, in the example they are all 3 present this is misleading. Also the link button contunue shopping can't be set. But maybe I am mistaken.

It is IMHO not difficult to set at least the header picture standard in the object.

How would you feel if you get advertised with one and got something different?

I won't argue anymore and leave it in your capable hands, but take a look at this from customer view and see how it feels.

Best Regards


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Posted on the from Andre E
Andre E
Andre E


It's difficult to get it as Incomedia advertise with it. I even think impossible because I can't make a link with the continue shopping button. Also all info in the object is not possible just 1, leaving you with a lot of space for 1 item to show.

Also if you set a picture with transparancy so you can set the colour yourself the colour of the header will override the picture, so you need to make a complete picture in a photoshop like program, I have attached a copy of the one Incomedia uses by making a prtscrn en cut it out, it's attached.

If you set that in the object style then use the TEXT tab and set it in header image. Also set the

Set the STYLE tab to grey image background. And set the alignement (way below in x5) to center left, if you leave it at top it will be behind the header.

I can't get it better then that, maybe someone else can?

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Posted on the from Andre E
Elisa B.

Hello Andre and Steve, 

you are right, I accept your critical point of view as far as the preview is concerned and I have already reported it, I hope to have news about this as soon as possible, I will let you know.

The example on the Marketplace has been created using the Object and the other features of WebSite X5. In order to get a similar result you just have to use a backroung image and insert as many Shopping Cart Objects as needed, so one for the price, one for the weight, one for the total number. 

Thank you. Have a nice day. 

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Posted on the from Elisa B.