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eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Lowest breakpoint and header width  en

Author: eyal melamed
Visited 2374, Followers 1, Shared 0  


In templates>customization>resolution and responsiv:

the width of the header cannot be changed, and inherent its size from the resolution of one below.

When it comes down to smartphone, the header width is stuck on 320 even when the above resolutin is 768 or more.
How can I change/increase that?

Thank you

Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


You are looking at the template structure page, if you wish to change the break points, you need to do so on the Resolution and Responsive Design page.

As for the 320px on mobile, I believe this is hard coded into WX5 as the lowest available resolution because this is the the nominal resolution (width) of older mobiles.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

Add: this adds a new breakpoint and indicates the resolution at which it becomes active. You can have a maximum of 10 breakpoints.




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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Hello Esahc. I obviously change the breakpoint at Resolution and Responsive Design page, but can take photo of the 320px on the template structure page.

As you mention, the 320 used on very old smartphone.

I attached a graph from 2016 (it is much higher in 2017) showing smartphones screen and 80% of the smallest resolution is above 720 and in no case under 640, even in non developed countries.

So is it possible for website x5 programers to change it?
Thank you.

Thank you also KolAsim ‪ , only I didn't understand

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Posted on the from eyal melamed
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
eyal melamed
... ... Thank you also KolAsim ‪ , only I didn't understand 

Hello, excuse me, I do not speak English.
I wanted to point out that with your 10_PRO version you can include all breakpoints for all resolutions up to 320 pixels.

(IT) - Ciao, scusami, non parlo Inglese.
Volevo indicarti che con la tua versione 10_PRO puoi inserire tutti i breakpoint per tutte le risoluzioni fino a 320 pixel.



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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Thank you.

1. My version is 13 pro.

Maybe Its my problem for not understanding, so here is the question:

When the responsive website build by X5 is connected by a smartphone, is it going immediately to the lowest breakpoint resolution, or according to the screen resolution?

Thank you

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Posted on the from eyal melamed
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
eyal melamed
... ... ... or according to the screen resolution?  ... ... 

I was wrong; yes 13_PRO; you have no problems.
(?) The page will fit according to screen resolution, with respect to the breakpoint settings you used ...
You can run tests with a normal browser, resizing the window.


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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Donald B.
Donald B.

Hello eyal, you are not quite understanding how the last breakpoint works. Let us say your desktop is set to 1024 and you have one breakpoint set at 780. So now you have three different pages or views that you have to arrange all the objects as you like.

Now, any device with a screen width that is less than 781 is going to show the last page/view. With 13 Pro this port/view becomes liquid of fluid and fits to the width of the device down to 320. If it's on a device with a 780 width it will be as you designed it. If the device has a viewport that is less than 780 it will move everything over in a fluid manner and not jump as with a normal breakpoint would. And you are in control when this happens!

This is similar to how "bootstrap" with a container and grid works. This has the advantage of not shrinking down your page, or cutting part of the page off, but keeps your text the same height so it stays readable. Experiment with resizing you browser window and change your breakpoint and or view/page until you get the results you like. Lunch time over, got to go.


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Posted on the from Donald B.
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Thank you KolAsim and thank you Donald.

The only problem left is that the at this break point (of let say 768), the header size is adopting automatically and arbitrarily the value of the next total size of the break point (320px) and not a value I can set myself, and this is less than half, as the attached photo.

As a work around i have to add another break point (of let say 640) or even 2 (640 and 540).

On a nice page with png and gradual opacity, a lot of work for nothing, since 90% today will use more than 640.


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Posted on the from eyal melamed
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Also you probably have a mistake.

Just finished upload the website with the braekpoints: 1600, 960, 768, 640 (and 320 determened by the X5).

Checked it with 2 smartphons, Samsung S8 plus with 2960 X1440  and One plus X with 1080 X 1920.

Both Phones on vertical mode (portrate) showed the smallest breakpoint - 320

On horizontal mode (landskape) the Samsung showd the 640 breakpoint and the One plus X stayed at 320.

Does someone has any Idea?

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Posted on the from eyal melamed
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

Post the LINK, so that experts can check it out.


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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

There are no content to evaluate the page's features.
Maybe I did not understand your request, but anyway it seems to me all right.
The breakpoints set are these: 1600 - 960 - 768 - 640 
You wait for the experts to tell you more.

(IT) - Non ci sono contenuti per poter valutare le carateristiche della pagina.
Forse io non ho capito la tua richiesta, ma comunque mi sembra tutto regolare.
I breakpoint impostati sono questi: 1600 - 960 - 768 - 640 
Attendi l'intervento degli esperti che sapranno dirti di più.




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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Claudio D.

Hello Eyal,

The website shows the content according to the screen resolution and browsers do not use hd or similar options to show the pages so the resolution won't be 2960 x 1440 for the webpages.

You can check as example the browser which resolution detects on your device with this service:

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Hello Claudio,

I didn't expect to see that resolution obviously.

Why these smartphones show 320 on my responsive website?

Thank you

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Posted on the from eyal melamed
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Checked the link

with one plus X it shows 360 X 640 while the actual resolution is 1080 X 1920

with S8 plus it shows 360 X 740 while the actual resolution is higher.

There is no way for the browser to show more? or because it knows it is a smartphone it is limited?

Thank you

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Posted on the from eyal melamed
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

OK Claudio,

i've learned that the cause for this is CSS pixel ratio determined by CSS 2.1 specifications (last in 20111).

How can I make my responsive website ignore it's build in 320 px and make my pedestal frequency more than that?


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Posted on the from eyal melamed
Claudio D.

Hello eyal melamed,

It can't be changed since it depends on how the browser works and if the browser is not able to use or see higher resolutions then it won't work.

It will be necessary the browsers to add this functionality and then it will be possible to use it on the website.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Hi Claudio,

In static website, any device will show the whole site resolution, even if you canwt read anything.

Do you mean that the X5 website will remain its 320 px lower resolution for responsive site forever?

Thank you

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Posted on the from eyal melamed
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

eyal, in the same way that tablets pick up the appropriate break point in your responsive website, so too should phones.

If you have a modern phone and set breakpoint for mobile at 320, then the viewport above mobile should be used by your phone because the screen is greater than 320. For your phone examples above you could have breakpoints at 320, 360, 640 etc and your phone should use the resolution above mobile.

If this is not the case then the phone is not correctly identifying the resolution of the screen. This appears to be outside the control of WX5.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
eyal melamed
eyal melamed

Thank you

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Posted on the from eyal melamed