X5 Version 14 
Author: Steve A.
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Hust had an email offering the new V14. E commerce described as "More powerful". So, before I part with my hard earned cash, does the new more powerful version provide the functionality to actually export an order number at any point? Prefereably with a CSV file. By the way I have the Pro version, so already tried using the database, and it doesn't export order numbers either.
I've had lengthy discussions on the forums, and have at some point given feedback to the effect that X5 is a great program, but falls short of being a "professional" shopping cart, due to the its lack of being able to export an order number with a csv file. Really hoping you have listened to your customer feedback!!
Posted on the
Hello Steve,
At the moment the only available informations are the ones in the newsletter you received.
In the next weeks we will send further newsletters with other informations and details.
Many thanks!
Now...I have X5 Version 12.
I need Upgrade to X5 14 Today Or Want to Buy the X5 Version 14 Today.
But i do not know about the X5 Version 13 And X5 Version 14...Which one is Best for me....?
I need the Photograhy, Photos Gallery, Videos and Animation....?
PLESE....Answer me, I want to BUY it Today....But i want to know your answer before i buying it....Thanks.
You expect us to take advantage of the special offer that expires in 6 days, but we won't know what we're buying for several weeks?
I only want 4 words:
"Full width responsive slides"
If that is not there (AGAIN!!!) I'm not updating.
You mean....I need to Buy the both of it right.....( X5 13 and X5 14 ).
Jerome C.
You mean....I need to Buy the both of it right.....( X5 13 and X5 14 ).
Hey, I'm not waiting to upgrade.
I just made my purchase today (50% savings).
Looking forward to getting the new Version 14 release of Website X5.
Something like this makes me very nervious. Are they so strapped for cash that they have to sell an unreleased version over a month before it will be released, and with very few details of what has changed?
Could have been tempted if they showed a little more of what has changed on the E-Commerce side, as currently this is very lacking, compared to most modern sites.
Hello orson O.,
I would suggest to purchase Version 14 so you will have the latest functionalities as soon as the program will be launched since you will have more functionalities than Version 13.
Many thanks!
@David You will discover more very soon, so don't miss our next e-mails and Facebook posts.
This upgrade isn't sitting well with me. As a rule, I always update my X5 software to the latest version as soon as it's released, but I normally know why I'm upgrading. For $99.50 it would make sense to know what I'd be purchasing. The email states that there are 80 new features, which are obviously known to the developers yet are being concealed from customers while the product is available at a discounted rate. Having a list of the new features would make the offer much more attractive.
Additionally, the email states that there is a 60 day money back guarantee from purchase date. Whether it was intentional or not, this is very misleading. The 6 day discount period ends on September 11, and the v14 download will not be available until October 11. For any orders placed at the discounted rate there are only 30 days to evaluate the product with the money back guarantee. A money back guarantee should begin upon receipt of the product, particularly when there is a one month gap between the purchase and delivery dates, and when the details of the product aren't being made known until after the discount period ends.
I am very happy with version 13 Professional, only 2 "little" problems. No iDEAL plug for Sisow iDEAL and the responsive part is not intuitive enough. For example, i have to move and resize every object in all viewports in the footer and header.
For me to upgrade to 14 these 2 little problems must have been fixed, otherwise i see no use in upgrading so i will wait until the new features are public, even if i have to pay full price by then.
where is the list of the 80 new fetures? or we should wait for launching?
On the other hand, there is the possibility to create a special design in each view for footer and head.For me this is an important point.
I feel confident about purchasing the upgrade (v.14) because Incomedia has been standing behind Website X5 since it was first released in the year 2000. That means it has been around for 17 years!
See the following link...
In the next weeks we will release further details about the functions in Version 14.
Many thanks!
That is true but it should be an option, not a necessity.
Myron, that's a valid point. I was just taken aback by the very short time to take advantage of their offer when they aren't providing details until after you pay for it.
Adding to the uncertainty is the money back guarantee period which seems generous until you do the math -- and realize that half of the warranty period goes by before you get to see or try the product. (Sort of like placing an order for a new model car without ever seeing one or test driving it, you have to order it 3 years in advance, and it comes with a 6 year warranty that begins the date you decide to buy it, but the first 3 years of the 6 year warranty are over before they actually give you the car.)
Nevertheless, you are right that Incomedia has stood behind their product for quite a long time, so it's unlikely that I'd be disappointed by the new release. Thanks for offering that perspective. I'll most likely place the order today and look forward to seeing the v.14 upgrade in action!
I purchased it. They have not let me down yet on the software and there is a great chance I would purchase the upgrade anyway. I have clients waiting for this upgrade because they know I give massive discounts just to play with my new toy (software) Christmas is coming for me (25% of my income will happen in the next 2 months)
Just purchased 14 pro also. I want X5 to be here in the future. There are only three programs left that's worth anything in my opinion.(And the hot cup of Joe is not one of them) Most have joined the Titanic, are tied at the dock or have a learning curve that's straight up. Even if I wasn't using X5 I would still purchase as a backup. Any company can go down at any time, that's true. As Myron stated, they been around for quite a while and obviously the user base has grown a lot. In todays world there is no secuity, but X5 looks as good as any.
"Something like this makes me very nervious. Are they so strapped for cash that they have to sell an unreleased version over a month before it will be released, and with very few details of what has changed?"
No need to be nervous, just business as usual in todays world. The CEO, board of directors, stock holders and or marketing/sales have the bottom line, not us. It's all about perception, sales forcast and profit. And yes they may be showing no profit the last couple of months as it's the end of the product cycle. So marketing and sales have to do something before the people at the top give birth to fully grown 6 year alien green children. (According to Ancient UFO Alien Theory this is totally correct.)
Even at 50% off, it is a lot to fork out and zero concrete detail. I will be setting my expectation high, having seen the hopes of those writing here and the problems reported by many over the last year.
My expectation including those that I have suggested, are that:
I imagine that the new parallax effects, blog, ecommerce, suggests tweaks of already existing features which hopefully will be amazing this time.
A far more user friendly help would be appreciated, especially when it comes to using databases etc.
How about a YouTube video promoting version 14 telling us and demonstrating, and giving us an appetite for what is to come? (marketing, marketing marketing) You need to blow your trumpet, not ease it in deftly through the back door.
With anticipation......
It's evident that at least the X5 community utulizes expanded text at the bottom of each comment overflow ie, "Read More" and "Show Less".
Incomedia, can you just this throw this feature right on in with your software that we pay good money for and share your candy with everyone in the club house, so to speak haha!
till today i still trust with all webx5 incomedia products. starting from webx5 11-13 professional webx5 there is a very significant change in every version of it. ... I've bought 14 webx5 I hope please worry but full confidence 14 professional version will show significant changes like upgrade from previous version.
Count me in - I purchased 14 pro. I wasn't sure about the marketing, but I've been a devoted X5 user since version 8 and have always been happy with each new release. I'm confident that this will be a worthwhile update and I'm looking forward to seeing it!
Received the mail with the offer, purchased it without any doubts. It's just good software.
And I am still waiting for the list of 80 new features - I don't want "to buy a pig in a poke"... And in fact changes and new important features are made so slowly in this programm that I buy new version once for two, three years...
I totally agree with you. For example I have jumped the release 12 because major changes was introduced after, in the release 13.
So, despite all the comments, I'm still not sure about V14. Aside from the very suspect "refund period", can anyone on here, especially you folks who would lay down your lives for incomedia, tell me if i can export an order number from the shopping cart. It doesn't matter if its part of the dbase export, or as an attached csv file. Currently, the cart is at best no more use than a childs toy in terms of being a professional shopping cart. And, before you shoot this post down, I too have been using X5 since version 5, love the program, but just seems that Incomedia don't listen to their customers sometimes!
Hi Steve,
l've never tried the shopping cart in X5 so I'm totally unqualified to comment about its functionality.
However, there is no risk to you in upgrading to v.14 because you could then test out whether the new version has graduated out of kindergarten.
If it doesn't meet your needs, you get a full refund, so all that you would have expended is some time for first-hand testing of your own.
I use the shop in two websites. You can have the data as csv attached on the mail or you have it in a database on the server.
The best way seems me to download the trial and test it. I had it done so.
Ive been using X5 since version 5. I have been running shopping carts for around 5 years. I'm well aware of the csv option, and have the database all setup and running. IT DOESN'T EXPORT THE ORDER NUMBER. Creating an invoice requires stupid amounts of copy and paste. Ive been asking about this for the last 2 versions. So, just to be clear......Does it export the order number as part of the csv file, or export the order numnber in any way that makes it easy to produce an invoice. I'm not buying something to "test". I'm paying for a product that has been tested by the developers. It's not my job!!!!! I want to know it does what i need BEFORE I buy it. So, does it export the order number??????
Hello Steve,
As soon as Version 14 will be released it will be possible to have all the informations about the functionalities.
Many thanks!
Still haven't received any mail with offer!?
Incomedia answered in the other post that it won't be long Bjorn.
I give up......... getting an answer to a simple question is about the same as climbing Everest. Actually, climbing everest may be easier..... back to copy and paste for me.....good luck with V14.
Hello Steve,
At the moment also in Version 14 this specific functionality is not present but the developers are keeping the request still in consideration.
Many thanks!
Thank you Claudio - that wasnt so hard was it? I'll stick to V13 pro for now......maybe one day it'll be a feature. Thanks for replying.
If the developers have made a system that generates a unique order number why do they not have the sense to include it for the CSV files? It is a bit like buying a car with no wheels - USELESS!