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Francos H.
Francos H.

Version 14  en

Author: Francos H.
Visited 1605, Followers 1, Shared 0  

It feels like just the other day that I upgraded to Version 13 and to be frank I am still in the process of changing over websites from previous versions to version 13. I am wondering whether the change from V13 to V14 will be significant and whether it is worth spending the money at this stage. Any advice is appreciated!

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Francos, when V12 was released it was essential to upgrade because of the responsive website needs.

When V13 was released I updated half a dozen sites because I needed to use the improved and new features, but I left many sites in V12.

When V14 is released I will immediately upgrade one or 2 because I am sure that V14 will incorporate something new or improved, and what better way to find out than to play with it. If all my sites will benefit from the upgrade, I will do them over time. Of course, if I gain another client their site will be done in V14

I don't know how good your memory is, but mine is woeful. I think I recollect that no subsequent offers were ever as generous as the initial upgrade offer by Incomedia.

Good luck in your deliberations.

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