Skll Bar Widget is difficult to update, suggest setting based on external source. 
Author: Peter W.I just bought and downloaded your skill bar widget to use with a website asking for donations. The idea was to use the bar to show the sum of all donations made against a goal.
Unfortunately, there is no option to change the number reached, without changing it manually in the software and uploading the project. This prevents any kind of automated live updates.
My suggestion is to at minimum, allow manual updates to be made in the online admin area.
Better, would be to allow it to link to the online shop so that people could use the shop to "buy" a donation and the sum of that donation would then be automatically added to the total displayed on the skill bar, once the payment has been confirmed.
It should be possible to link to PayPal, so that when PayPal reports back that the payment has been made, the sum is added to the Skill Bar.
This minor addition to the Skill Bar will make it much more useful In its current state, I think its price is way too high considering its current limited functionality.