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A S.
A S.

Hide modules and pages  en

Author: A S.
Visited 1120, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hallo All,

is it possible (in the future) to hide a module in a webpage.( There are websiteprogram hoe can do this.)

So you can put them on and off to select if you want to show them after publication or not. At this momnet you can hide a page, but as far as I know the page will be published but is not shown in menu's and buttons. Problem is that google can find them and therfore public can find this hidden pages made with wX5.

Greetings AS

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Esahc ..
Esahc ..


If you click on properties of a hidden page, select the expert tab, you can tell WX5 not to include the page in the sitemap. This would make it fairly hard for google?

In the same tab you could also add code in the webpage head section to stop google

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Posted on the from Esahc ..