Converting fra Pro v12 to Pro v14 
Author: Erik J.
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Shortly I converted from v12 Pro to v14 Pro.
The conversion has finished well. Except ONE thing. The header looks wrong on iPad and iPhone.
On it's ok. However, on the header looks wrong on iPad and iPhone.
Why can't I make the conversion without this little but important error?
You can watch the differences using the 2 subdomains above.
Posted on the
You need to go to step 2 template, template content. Everything is fine at desktop resolution, but you need to also select each lesser resolution. You can hide objects you don't want to see at each resolution, and you can resize objects to better suit the space at the lesser resolutions. You can also add objects (perhaps alternative header graphics?) which will not appear at higher resolutions.
For example. For your existing website at tablet resolution, you need to make the header image smaller to fit and be centered in the available space, and you could make the menu object larger (even 2 lines deep if you wish) to allow the menu words to be displayed if you didn't want the toaster menu.
You should note that any text from V12 has been converted to an image. To fix this, add a text object over the top, recreate the text and then delete the image.
Let us know if the above instructions are not clear or if they don't work for you.
I have used much time to read the toturials regarding Template Content +++.
However, I didn't find any solution.
I have header images, that I can't find out to remove. Please watch the attached files.
They are converted from v12PRO.
I need to upload to be able to use new images with less height.
AND how do I change back to English in order to follow your information about pages and sections +++,
Erik, if you cannot select and remove the image in the header under template content, the image is probably embedded as a background in step 2 template, template structure.
If you see a file name next to the image file field, you can remove it by right click on the name and select delete.
NB you will need to check each resolution on the template structure screen.
On this screen you can also modify the height of the header to meet your requirements.