How to change the tooltip text in a bought full template 
Author: Michael M.
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How to change the tooltip text in the Atrix Templates ?
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Michael, you should be able to change it in step2 Template, Tooltip on Mouseover
unfortunately NOT.
There is a text popping up on the partner page, if the mouse moves over the Plus(+) signs. I can't find how to change this text...
Michael, it appears to be the Animated Image optional object, if so, when you open it there is an option to change the font.
You should be able to see the object on step 4 Pages?
I got the Animated Image Objact installed, but the Obje´ct is just shown as normal image.
The Template got converted to this version when I have bought it.
I'm working with Version 14 professional.
Michael - I do not own the Animated Image Object or the Atrix template, so I have asked Incomedia to assist.
Michael, whilst we wait for Incomedia to return after the weekend, can you locate the object (+) which opens as a drop down box? Surely this has a font selection option??
Hello Michael,
Open the image object with the + symbol image and then click Link function. In the link settings open the description tab and there you can change the text.
Many thanks!