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Paul De Freitas
Paul De Freitas

RSS Feed not updating in FeedReady  en

Author: Paul De Freitas
Visited 2010, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I created an RSS feed with about 6 stories on 26/01 for I then activated FeedReady. All stories published to my iPhone after downloading the FeedReady app. However, despite updating the RSS feed on 30/01 with an additional story, and seeing a push notice from FeedReady that new stories are available, the story of 30/01 does not display in the FeedReady app. The feed only shows the initial feeds from 26/01.

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Riccardo P.

Hello Paul,

the file of the feed is not correct infact the link not work correctly.

Try to re-export all site again (you can remove the file of the site before), and test again.

Let me know.

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Posted on the from Riccardo P.
Paul De Freitas
Paul De Freitas

I copied the latest file directly to the server and so the This made no difference whatsoever. It seems to me that the FeedReady app is caching data but not reading the actual file if cache data exists. I tried switching off Data Storage in the iPhone settings for FeedReady but that made no difference. The only way to make FeedReady read the new data from the server php file is to uninstall FeedReady and reinstall it. 

I have to suspect that FeedReady was released without proper testing.

If you look at your system you will find at least one other user on Android complaining of the same issue.

Best wishes


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Posted on the from Paul De Freitas
Riccardo P.

Hello Paul,

In case of difficulties you should please send me the .iwzip of your project, so i can test it.

You can use this service:

and write here the download link.

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Posted on the from Riccardo P.
Paul De Freitas
Paul De Freitas


The file is 6GB so no You can pick it up here:

Also note that this is the amount of data uploaded to the website every time there is an update - all videos, pictures and MP3s are overwritten time and time again - because WSX5 does not compare the FTP directories and detrmine what to transmit/upload based on existence or timestamp - it just uploads everything - a waste of bandwidth!

As I said, you need to look at Microsoft Frontpage and at least try to emulate that great product - still the bext page designer despite its demise in 2009 due to dotNet.

Finally, I have updated V14 today so I will see if FeedReady has been patched.



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Posted on the from Paul De Freitas
Riccardo P.

Hello Paul,

thank you for your project. I export your site in our server and work correctly. I suppose that depend by your server (maybe it does not support the php coddie correctly).

Try esport the site in another server provider and test it.

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Posted on the from Riccardo P.