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Jack R.
Jack R.

Shopping Cart email defaults to 1. Order confirmation Email  en

Author: Jack R.
Visited 1422, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I have a Shopping Cart with several individual music downloads and one 'Packaged' CD, which is a physical item, not to be downloaded but rather it is to be mailed.

The products are set up in two separate Categories, Complete Album and Individual Songs, with Sending Order set to 'Send to Database'

The problem is not being able to set the Notification Email to anything other than '1. Order confirmation email'

Setting, either the Category, and/or the individual item for Complete Album to '2. Processed Order Email: Physical Product'...after saving and then going back into the settings, the Notification email has defaulted back to '1. Order confirmation email'

The same thing happens with trying to change the Individual Songs, to '3. Processed order email - Digital Products.

All products revert back to '1. Order confirmation email', consequently purchasing the download item the buyer never gets the download information.

the website is

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated

Posted on the
Stefano G.

Hi Jack.

I believe there might be a misunderstanding on how this particular setting works, or maybe I didn't understand the problem fully.

The Email notification is not something you set to a specific one of those choices.

That dropdown is used to allow you to edit the texts for those 3 type of emails. But those email are all sent. You're not picking one over the other.

Each one of those is sent at a different point in the purchasing process.

Please let me know if anything about this is unclear or if I might help you further with this.

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Jack R.
Jack R.


Thank you for your response, that is very helpful.

So do I have to set up a Successful PayPal page for each of the items to allow the user to download the song? When I tested it, the user (purchaser) wasn't returned to a 'download' fact they only received an email from PayPal. My account received an email with the order information

That tells me the email function is working but the user didn't get a 'download page'


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Posted on the from Jack R.
Stefano G.

Hi Jack.

At the moment, the software does not allow an automatic delivery of a product upon payment.

You need to check and approve the payment from the /admin section of your website in order for the purchased product detail to be sent to the customer.

I suppose you want to deliver a digital product, or am I wrong?

You can link a file with the product from the software. After you verify the purchase on the /admin section, you can click on "Complete order" and the email with the product will be sent.

Let me know if you need any further clarification

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.