"Required level of optimization" 
Author: Steven B.
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X5 Optimizer asks me to choose a required level of optimization, apparently for image files. It lists three options but gives no explanations for what the options are, or the differences between them. Can someone point me to where I can find this out?
There's no user manual that I can find, and while I think I've figured out how to use the application, it's hardly intuitive. Best I can tell:
- Install the app
- Use it to open a saved .iwzip file (I have made backups of these in case I don't like what Optimizer does to them)
- Optimize the file
- Open Website X5
- Import the optimized .iwzip file
Posted on the
There is explanation for the options if you click on the blue "?" on the right side of the options. Not very specific but an explanation ;)
The blue question marks yielded a reference to a .tib file, which looked to be a placeholder where information should have been supplied.
Weirdly, I just started the optimizer again so that I could give you the full message -- and got a completely different screen offering different levels of optimization for images, along with explanation and additional popup info. Why it wasn't there before, I have no idea.
That said, all the optimizer wants to do is compress images. If I say "no," the final compressed website is exactly the same size. Given that I will be taking a chance on corrupting or damaging the site file, and that Website X5 crashes and corrupts more than an program I have ever used (ten minutes ago it wouldn't open a website because "There is an error in XML document (0, 0)," and I had to restore from a backup), I think I'm going to pass on using Optimizer, even if it does speed things up.
Steven. yes, as far as I know all the optiser appears to do is resample images so they are only as big as required but of the same quality for that resolution.
However, nothing can be lost or damaged because it reads an iwzip and creates a new iwzip (with the word optimised appended). When done you can import this project, it will not overwrite the existing project. If you have any doubts, or see no improvement, simply delete the optimized project next time you start WX5.
Far too many problems with WX5 (xml document errors) are caused by unnecessarily large original images within the projects, the optimizer will fix this problem (but your site will look identical).
Got it, thank you.