Problem with frames 
Author: Andrzej K.
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I'm still waiting for solution -
Problem with frames for a few objects, you could see at
Project from the beginning in Website 15.
In Website x5 13 everything was ok...
Posted on the
Hi Andzej,
I checked your website but I can't see what your problem is. Looks okay to me.
Can you explain in English what your problem is?
Look at frame at the bottom in firefox or edge full screen.
It looks ok on mobile, in small screen in firefox or almost ok in chrome
Hi Andrzej,
I assume to use the two object styles to put the blue bordes around the objects
You could first check the responsive settings and make sure the display order of the objects is correct.
If that doesn't help you can try to place two empty HTML-objects with a 0px height underneath each object. That should force WebsiteX5 to make the objects above the image and the text to be the same height.
Let us know if this solves your problem.
The same settings of styles in website 13 make the rigth frame so i suppose it is an error in website 15...
Hi Andrzej,
We are talking about the same issue here?
I don't think it is an error in WebsiteX5 and it has nothing to do with the style-settings of the objects. I had the same problem on my homepage once. Are the images embedded in the text object? Or have you used image objects? If you have used an image embedded in a text object just edit the image properties and make height of the image a few pixels larger. See if that solves your problemn.
Used Firefox Developer Edition and changed only the height of the image to 436 px. The result is this:
Yes, we talked about this issue.
No, I use a few objects: title, text (olny text inside) and image object and one frame for all. Changes of size of picture makes nothing. Even changing two objects on the left and two on the right makes nothing (before there were two objects on the left anf three on the right). For sure it is an error of website x5 15, because the same settings are correct in website x5 13.
In that case the issue is for Incomedia.
Hi Andrzej,
As mentioned in the other topic you're currently receiving support in, the developer have been informed of the issue.
As soon as we get word from them about this, we will make sure you get notified about it.
Thank you for your understanding
New update with "For particular configurations the effects applied to the objects were not displayed correctly" and my problem still open...
Do something, you took my cash for programm with right working!!!
Or say "we sell the shit - let's find better programm"
Hallo incomedia!
Taking cash in nice but fast repair errors in your programm not? Old version works, new one still not - is it ok?
What do you do? I would like to finish my project as soon as possible ...
It appears you are using 2 cells, the left with the picture, the right with the text. Why not simply use one cell and place the text, and pic in the same cell?
This does not fix the problem, but it appears to work around it rather nicely?
Accusing Incomedia of inappropriate behaviour towards yourself is going to achieve very little.
What font are you using? I ask because I have had a similar issue in the past when using a webfont/google font where the font metrics were incorrect resulting in the text displaying larger than the rendering engine thought it should. This resulted in a mis-sized cell relative to the adjacent cell. In other words, the fault may not be in WX5.
I use 4 cells (I used 5 cells previous) - title, text and image objects. Standard Calibri font.
About Incomedia: I think if the buyer sold the product with error and customer found it so:
1) the buyer should apologize,
2) the buyer should inform when the error will be repair
3) the buyer should repair it (I think it is max half an hour of work, because in version 13 it works fine)
Above is my activity as a buyer. Now I don't know what should I say to my customer: when he receive the version of website he accepted...
So I am a little furious with no answer...
Be furious or fix the problem, seems a little self defeating.
Why not just fix the problem?
(BTW Calibri is not a websafe font - many will not see what you see)
This is 3 cells - ANY browser!
I cannot see (or create) a problem.
I have my technique of website creation. It worked in version 13. Why should i change it? Because of silence of incomedia? I want to talk with incomedia. I appreciate your trying to find other way to do the right result but where is incomedia to find the problem?
As usually they release the new version with new errors?
Sorry - I use Tahoma font. And why do I set image separately from the text - for better positioning: title object with h1 + title and alternative text for image make fantastic results in google + some text about on the page separately. If I put them together in one object it is the same like slider - looking better but it is worse for positioning. And the frame (the border) is for clear showing each product.
I never do something without the set goal because it is more easy for me - in this programm this method is even more labor-intensive but the most important is the goal.
And the composition.
Andrzej, that's fine, in the interim your site is technically correct, but visually broken. Incomedia have not been silent, they have acknowledged there is an issue but have not been able to identify how quickly they can resolve it. I would make the (minor) change and then restore the stucture as soon as the issue is resolved.
I ceased to have "principles" many anomolies ago :-)
Hi Andrzej,
As I mentioned before, our partner Promise already forwarded the issue to the developers which are currently investigating the issue.
Please refrain from opening any more topics on the matter since you will receive an answers directly on your first one.
Thank you
Seocnd topic in English is because there were no answer in Polish. And till repairing the problem I will use both of them hoping it makes your developers work more quickly.