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Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

To delete unwanted "home" and "welcome" page in website  en

Author: Enid Goyers
Visited 1850, Followers 1, Shared 0  


attached page probably derived from an earlier version I made but meanwhile deleted it. The two pages in the beginning of the sitemap "Menue" and "home" are the root of my problem with the newer version I am working on right now I think. 

The attached page should not appear at all and is not included in the sitemap of the version I uploaded.

The second page of my website (home) is missing text and does not conform with the page I prepared. I cannot include a copy of this page as I can only include one enclosure obviously.

Thank you.

Posted on the


Try to erase your browser cache ?

or try with another browser on your PC to check...


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Posted on the from Axel  
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers


Tried two different browsers. All cache empty. Question: Must both Menue and Home pages be filled or could I start with Home only and disregard Menue? Obviously both are identical once filled in.

Thank you.

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

Here is a picture showing "home"  which is all correct.

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

and here is a picture of the menue page (that I didn't touch at all when I did the setup of the site). This page pops up in whatever version I make of the site, it always comes back, unwanted.

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Stefano G.

Hi Enid.

I've visited your website, and noticed something unusual.

When I open the site, it looks like I'm entering a certain page. After a few seconds, I get redirected to the wrong "home" page.

This looks like something some additional code or a bad server configuration could lead to. I need to ask you:

Was this always like this? Since when did the issue started happening?

Can you attach a screenshot of Step 3 for me to see?

Could you also attach a screenshot of the following folder's content? -> C:\Users\youruser\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Evolution\yourprojectname

Please keep me updated on this

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

Hi Stefano,

I dont know what it is. Since it starte with the second issue of the site I have made the attempt two more times to set up the site again and each time the mess appeared. Now I have changed computers, maybe that will help, but I doubt it.

What is step 3, could you give me a description?

Cooy of the projectname page attached.

Thank you.

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

Hi Stefano,

The page before the the projectname page gives: www.iwzip

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

more screen shots incl sitemap

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Stefano G.

Hi Enid,

Unfortunately, it seems like no screenshot was attached to your posts, so there is nothing else I can really analyze right now.

Could you try and upload them again for me to see? Please be sure to include one per each thing I asked you to, since they can be of much help in order to solve the problem.

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

Hi Stefano, I hope the file will now come over. 

I have started a new version of the site, just the menue and home page and when I uploaded them I saw that all the other pages of the original site version were included in the upload???

Also when I have my computer just running - I dont work - a screen saver starts with the pages of my site ???

What can I do to make a new version which doesnt get infected by any older version?

Thank you.

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Stefano G.

Hi Enid.

First of all, I believe you're attaching the images the wrong way, as they're still not there.

Try and zip them all up and then attach them here.

Secondly, it is very probable that you're uploading the new website in the same place of the old one WITHOUT deleting the previous files on the server. You can do this at step 5 before exporting.

If you export the new website in the same place you will risk creating conflicts between files if you don't remove those first.

Let me know if you can manage to fix it

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Enid Goyers
Enid Goyers

Hi Stefano,

I had zipped the files but I noticed that sending my reply off was somehow irregular. why, no idea.

Anyway I will start again and delete all I created so far. You said to use step 5 before exporting. The step 5 page only shows how and where to export but nothing about delete. Sorry for my stupid question, but what I don't see isn't there for me.

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Posted on the from Enid Goyers
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Enid, when you first connect to the remote host, a list of directries and files is displayed. If you want to delete everything, click on the first file or folder (usually admin), then find the last file and holding the shift key down, click on it. This will select all files,  then hit delete on your keyboard. You will be asked if you wish to delete the files/folders, click yes.

Now you can upload your site.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..