Blogroll-lijst wordt gewist na opslaan 
Author: Quodbach H.
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After saving my blog-list in the (blog/sidebar/blogroll) the list disapears, before and after the last update (4-4-2018). Fix this problem please in the next update. Agreed? Let it know please.
In de zijbalk van de blog kun je een blogroll aamaken. Na het opslaan verdwijnt ehter de hele inhoud van de blogroll-lijst. Bij de laatste update is dat probleem nog niet verholpen. Verzoek aan het X5 team dit bij de volgend update te verhelpen! Mee eens? Laat dat dan even weten.
Posted on the
Hi Quodbach.
From my tests, I can see that element just fine in the offline preview. Are you having issues there too?
Does this happen online only?
Let me know
Hallo Quodbach.
Uit mijn tests kan ik dat element prima zien in de offline preview. Heb je daar ook problemen?
Gebeurt dit alleen online?
Laat het me weten
The first time i add discribtions and links, its shown correcly in the preview. After uploading the site or after changing the blog-roll or adding a new item, the whole content disappears.
Hi Quodbach,
does it disappear offline too then? Or the issue is always only displayed online?
Could you provide the URL for the website to me so that I may personally check there too, to see if there's anything weird I could analyze?
Please keep me updated
I had the same problem on two of my websites. The blogroll element was there but all the links disappeared and I had to re-add them. Its happened a couple of times and both times I had to rebuild my list. Seems ok now though.