Download time x10 with Website Pro15 
Author: Armin S.
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Since I changed my projects from 14 pro to 15 pro the upload time of my websites is 10 times longer.
It seems due to the 15pro automatic conversion of jpg pictures into png.
Is this normal or can I change something
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Hi Armin
The conversion from 14 to 15 should have no such effect on your projects. If the picture were in a jpg format, they should have stayed so.
Are you sure about this report?
Could you attach a couple screenshot displaying some of the images that have had their format changed during the export?
Thank you
Hi Stefano,
Here some screenshots when I upload the site.
All the "Thumbs" are heavy *.png files, but I never converted them.
Thanks for your advise.
Best regards
Hi Armin,
Had a similar problem when too many 'Simultaneous Connections' were used, changed mine down to 2 and it cleared.
See Image, let me know if it works. It may be a problem also with X5
Hi Armin,
This looks indeed weird. Can you try and run the free Optimizer tool and see if it makes it any better?
You can find it here :
Let me know
Hi Stefano,
As you can see on the attached file, I have lots of of png files, but I was always working with jpg files which I then downloaded during website construction.
All the *.png files you can see on the page must have been transformed from jpg to png by WebsiteX5 Pro 15.
This is not the main problem as you can see on the screen print, the xx_thumbs.png which are then created by WebsiteX5 Pro 15, become 10 times heavier... eg. from 400kb 6.1MB.
I dont want yet to use the utility as there are some restriction backwards.
Thanks for your helpand best regards.
Further tomy last message.
I exported the website on Disk and made a screen print of the images files.
As you can see, the Website X5 pro 15 program has converted all files, most of them are jpg into png and then it has creates the thumbs files which are 10xx times heavier. How comes?
Hi Armin,
What restrictions exactly are you talking about?
Please do try the optimizer for now. You can create a duplicate of the project by generating an IWZIP and try to run that inside the optimizer. This way, you will keep your previous version of the project while also having the optimized one.
This way, we can understand if the issue you're having can be solved with the utility or not.
Please try and keep me informed
As you suggested, I used the OPTIMIZER.
It has not changed anything.
The _thumbs files which are created by Website X5 pro xx are still huge, at least 10 tmes the volume of the picture file I integrated on my website.
The download takes 20 minutes and the worst as (you can check it on my website the prictures in the webshop need a lot of time to show up.
How can I avoid these thumbs files be so huge?
Example of the attached screen print file:
Look at /httpdocs/images/Aragonite.png (655 KB) which I inserted on the application compared t
/httpdocs/images/Aragonite_thumbs.png (12.6 MB) created byWebsite X5 when downloading the site to provider
Armin, when you created the iwzip file, how big was it? Perhaps it could be transferred to Incomedia via wetransfer if it is less than 2GB and then they could see the issue?
(I am intrigued, but none of my projects have experienced this behaviour - I will continue to follow your post with interest)
I just checked all image files loaded on my project with Website X5 15 pro. I changed all files where they were in PNG to JPG.
When I downloaded the projet to my provider, 90 % of all files were again in PNG format and when Website X5 pro adds the _thumbs files they 10 or more times the file size.
/httpdocs/images/Barytine-4,605-xxx .png 950 KB
/httpdocs/images/Barytine-4,605-xxx_thumb.png 8.8 MB
Can I change somewhere in the settings of your program that the files I loades in JPG are not converted into PNG?
Hi Armin,
from analyzing the situation I must ask this.
The thumb files are usually copies of an original image with applied edits and filters that you're allowed to insert from inside the software.
Considering these addition and the conversion to a PNG version of the picture, it might sound reasonable for them to be bigger in size. The question is: are you actually applying edits inside the software that can be causing this? because I dont' believe the software would just generate them for no apparent reason as PNGs.
Try the following if possible and unsure. Try and insert a new image and see if after a local export, a PNG is made.
If not, try and add effects and filters to it. Does that bring you to the same situation as above?
Please keep me posted
Hi Stafano,
I found the solution.
I went back to version Website X5 13 Pro and everything works well. I am just loosing the arrow "Back to top of the page" whuch is vrtx useful on version 15 Pro and next.
As you can see on the attached sheet with exactly the same data enterings of both projects, Website X5 13 Pro creates the image files with 300 MB compared to Website X5 15 Pro creates them with 3.18 GO.
This explains the long download time and then the long wait until images appear.
Armin, is it possible to create a small test project in v15/v16 that demonstrates the problem, export to iwzip and post it as an attachment here?
My first question I would like to answer is "is this a problem only on your hardware or mine as well"
My second question would be, "why do your projects do this and not mine"
My third question would be " what do you do that I must avoid doing so I do not have this issue"
Many of my sites have many images - I do not need bloat (& I cannot go back to v13).
I am looking forward to your next post.
Stefano, Is the a way to sent you the *.iwzip file which weighs 577 MB?
Stefano, Further to my last message. The file I would like to send you is the created by Pro 13, so you will see the small png files by the system. Them if you import the iwzip into 16 you will see the huge _thumbs png files the system will create.
Armin, if the project is too big to simply attach here, you can use And paste the link here.
Hi, Here is the link
Thanks Armin
Armin - my apologies this is a long post, but the ending is worth the effort I hope :-)
I have downloaded your project.
the project folder 799MB
I exported to a folder and the size is 285MB
gallery folder 1.52mb
images folder 263mb
project folder 3.65GB
export folder 3.16GB
gallery folder 1.56mb
images folder 3.14GB
(& you are right, the thumbs put on the most weight)
the project folders are 3.66GB
exported to folder 3.17GB
gallery folder 1.56mb
images folder 3.13gb
So I can confirm there is an issue in all versions after v13, perhaps incomedia can shed some light on the problem now that they can download and see the problem for themselves.
(This problem most definitely appears to be caused by the upgrade to either v14, v15, or v16 and I suspect if you deleted the images and replaced them and then exported the project the file sizes would be consistently small, but you have about 500 images to replace in total, and that is a lot of work)
WORK-AROUND!!! (solution?)
I also downloaded the latest Optimizer, used the v13 iwzip (please be patient, it takes way too long). Optimizer identified your project as
When finished optimizing (maximum everything)
and the results when opened in v16 were
project folder 717mb
export folder 450mb
gallery folder 1.56mb
images folder 420mb
This is still bigger than your v13 upload, but it appears to be quite an acceptable result rather than your current v15/v16 uploads. It also loads fast.
BUT - Incomedia still needs to address or warn users of this issue.
Many thanks for your understanding and help.
Can I get back the "NEW LIGHT" project you created in version 16, please, this would help me a lot.
Thanks and best regards.
Armin, I could (& will) send it back if necessary, but if you download optimiser (website X5 /utilities?) you can recreate it from the v13 iwzip yourself.
Yes, please send me the file.
I did as you said with the optimiser, but still the xx_thumbs files in Version 16 remin huge!?
Armin, you have to run optimiser on the v13 iwzip., This appears to bypass the bloating.
That is what I did. Opened v13 passed through OPTIMIZER and then opened with v16
I am curious to receive he iwzip you produced and see what happens when I ipen it on x16
This is your v13 iwzip run through Optimiser (for v16.1.1 pro)
Many thanks to you, everything worls perfect on Ver 16.
Great job, Thanks again