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Lan W.
Lan W.

WebSite X5 Evolution v15.2.3 Export to disk failure.  en

Author: Lan W.
Visited 1625, Followers 1, Shared 0  


I have encountered an error when attempting to export a peoject to disk. the process  fails with this error:

"It is not possible to complete the export. (The given path's format is not supported.) 

Click OK and the process aborts. However some forlders have been created, these (in my case) are C:\WebSite X5 - Siti Web this forlder contains four folders (gallery, images, res, style) and one file favicon.ico this is the default location. The same folders and file were also created in the location of my choice 

After I got this error with my own selected destination I tried again with the default destination but no luck.Has anyone else encountered this error?

Any fix available? Advice & comments welcome. May be I am missing something??



Posted on the
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Lan, if you export project (rather than export website to hard disk) in order to create an iwzip, does this complete successfuly? To test you could create an iwzip and then import it (this will not overwrite your project).

The project is being managed from a local drive, not a network, usb or cloud based location?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Lan W.
Lan W.

Morning Esahc,

1. Export project works correctly no problems at all.

2. Project is managed on my local drive.

I have also created a new test project and that also fails when Export to disk is run.

Let me know if you need additional information.

Thanks for your help.

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Posted on the from Lan W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Lan, assuming the test project is small, you could export and attach the iwzip to this post.  Before you do so, please try the export to disk after disabling all antivirus/spyware/malware and firewall products (just in case they are the problem).

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Lan W.
Lan W.

Hi Esahc, I have tried to export to disk with antivirus disabled as you suggested, no change problem is still there.

I then downloaded the template (B&B) I am using for the current project and tried exporting to disk without making any changes, export worked perfectly.

I made a trial project using the blank template and that also exported correctly.

Then made a new test project using a duplicate of the real project and tried exporting to disk each time I deleted a page, still the same error. The project sample is now down to one page and just fine to attach. It looks like the problem is with this project file only.

(Note that the test project referred to in my last message was a copy of the actual project with most of the material (text & images) removed. Not a clever thing to do for a test!)

There is a message when the test project is loaded stating “Some fonts used in this document have not been linked to the project:  Oswald. They will be replaced by the template’s default font”. 

I have not been able to discover how to correct this condition. How are fonts linked to a project and where / how is the default font for a template set? All text in the project is Tahoma & the font used by the original template is Oswald. Could this possibly be the cause of the export to disk problem?

Appreciate your help. Regards, Lan

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Posted on the from Lan W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Lan, the "missing font" is easy and not critical, the message is only a warning, once you can export your project we will deal with it.

Are you saying you have solved the problem?

I opened you project and could not export to disk. Can I assume that this is because the source files required on the page/s were deleted before the iwzip was created?? (in the gallery I cannot open any of the images within the project). This is not normal and would generate an error message.

From what version was the original project?  Does the original project (before import) still work properly (can you export project to disk)? If so, can it be exported again and then import the iwzip to v15/v16. Once it opens, and before making any changes, can it then be exported to disk??

(importing the project again will NOT overwrite the existing project)

(I see your problem but can only guess at the cause)

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Lan W.
Lan W.

Hi Esahc, agreed lets ignore the font issue for now. Sadly I have not solved the problem, apologies that my message was not clear enough on that point.

I have checked on the project that I attached, it was created with X5 Evolution v15 and you are correct it does not work. All images are missing. Not sure how that happened, sorry. However this test version will not export to disk either.

I have just updated to X5 v16 and X5 Optimizer v1.3.0 so now I can optimize the project. The update to v16 had no effect on the export to disk problem.

Unfortunately I have not been able to reduce the file size sufficiently to email with just one page it is 10M. I have uploaded the project to Dropbox so if you can provide an email address I can send you the link and then you can download the complete project and have a look.

Regards, Lan

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Posted on the from Lan W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Lan, you can find my email address at, but if the images are missing the project will not work. You either have to delete the objects requiring the images (and recreate them?), or put the images back.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Lan W.
Lan W.

I have ssent the link to your email address. Great website very interesting. Lan

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Posted on the from Lan W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Lan - I have your siteI will keep looking. . .

It appears you use at least 2 additional drives, E: & F:, are these drives ALWAYS available??

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Lan W.
Lan W.

Have one internal SSD drive with partitions C: (OS win 8.1 & apps), E:, F: & G: they are always available.

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Posted on the from Lan W.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Incomedia, Lan has provided an attached iwzip above (his 3rd post). I have downloaded and imported this project and experience the same problem. It cannot be exported to disk (and yet it exports to the internet). The problem is NOT with his hardware, 3rd party software or proceedure.

A new post was created because there seemed to be no action here - apologies.

Could you please take a look at the project and assist?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Lan - I am being patient on your behalf. . . . . . . .

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Lan W.
Lan W.

Thank you for your help, probably not an easy problem to we wait and see if a solution caan be found. My hope is that if it is due to a software glitch then X5 will be improved, alyways a good thing.

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Posted on the from Lan W.
Stefano G.

Hi Lan.

I apologize for the delay in getting two you. I downloaded your test project and was able to analyze both issues you've been having.

For the Oswald issue:

I notice that, in fact, the Oswald font doesn't seem to be implemented in the project! I visited whatever Text object, and proceeded to adding it through Google Fonts.

After doing so, every time I open or close the project, it works just fine.

For the export issue:

There seems to be issue with a file you added to the project in Step 1 -> Code, Seo... -> Expert section

You added an HTML which probably causes issues when you try to save the project locally. Maybe something in its name.. Could you try and look into it, maybe by changing its name and see if it works then? Removing it solves the issue

keep me posted

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.