How can I have the current page title follow the page path 
Author: John W.When asking the displayed page path to be visible, it shows the level and potential sublevels in a smaller font, and beneath the current page title. How can I get the breadcrumb to be on a single line with the level, sublevel, and then page title on the same line?
Also note: the levels are not actual pages, thus the levels in the path are not links going backward. Use this an an example from the Home Depot web site:
Home / Outdoors / Outdoor Cooking / Grills / Gas Grills / Propane Grills
The page I would be on is Propane Grills, but each level proceeding it is a clickable link back to a parent page with more choices going all the way up the ladder back to the home page. Am I able to create a breadcrumb structure like this in Website X5? I currently have version 13.
Hello John
You can - but you have to do it manually.
One way could be, that you made a textobject with just one line. This object should be put on the top of each page.
In the line you make the text: Home / Outdoors / Outdoor Cooking / Grills
And then make every text-item a link.
Then copy this to all pages under Grills - and so on.
X5 cannot do this automatic - but I think you should post it as an idea.
This would be a useful function and it should be rather easy for INCOMEDIA to implement as an extra option where you have the page-name and the path to the page.
By time INCOMEDIA have to realize that they have to make functions that other programs have.
You should for "the last" level not make the page name itself as a link.
If you for a level have more pages, then it would maybe be easier to make the first page for that level, and then make the other pages as copies ( before you finish the page ) - use the page as a template for the other pages on the same level.
This would be useful if you also have menus on the pages.
This ( the "real" breadcrumb ) should be instead of using the pagename / path for pages.
Hi John,
thank you for your message.
It is possible to create a breadcrumb structure. You will need to go to Step 2- Text Style and then enable the Page Path option.
Please let me know if I can be of further help.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello Elisa
I think John W. already is aware of the possibility to show the path. What he asks for is a "clickable" path.
A clickable path, where each level shown is clickable. You could say it is a one-line menu, but with the full path shown.
As far as I know this is not possible in X5 - or am I wrong?
Thanks, John. Yes, I am aware that the last entry in the breadcrumb line that you are on should not be a link to itself, that could drive someone mad. And I am aware that the levels in the automated breadcrumb trail are not pages, and thus by default are not links, but you can make them a link and create a "leveled" page for them with more info and selections. I've been playing around a bit. I just thought the page name above the path is semi-confusing, especially to those of use used to a URL structure with a lot of forward slashes in it. I like the automatic placement of the page name on the page especially when you give it a clear definition and can make it larger bold italic text with a color. Let's the user know what page he is on without manually having to create a title. Whether I use that or not is still under debate. I am in a practice mode right now and want to see what I can do with this software. Just working out some kinks. Thank you for your input.
Elisa, I would like the breadcrumb on a single line: HOME > Main Widgets > 12 volt Widgets > Green 12 volt Widgets with the first three entries in that example to be linkable text back to the higher level page, all the way to HOME. It's like walking down Diagon Alley, making a left, another left, and a right, but then how do you find your way backwards so a wizard doesn't turn you into a frog. Your breadcrumb doesn't even begin the line with HOME, most do. So as John S. suggested, can a change be made to the program to show all levels, starting with home, and adding the page name in the same size font and color at the end of that line. Having the big page name above it is still fine, that can be turned on or off at will. But showing the "straight line" from home to where you are is a good GPS thing.
Hi John,
thank you, I have set this message as Idea and reported the suggestion, so it can be possibly taken into consideration.
Thank you again. Have a lovely day.
It seems that it is partly possible to do this.
You have to make sure that the levels have a link.
I will investigate some more about this. My apologize to the developers at INCOMEDIA, if it actually nearly functions as specified here in this thread.
I will make some tests :-)
It actually functions. Only thing is, that it would be nice to have 2 checkboxes :
one checkbox that makes the system set a link to "home" as the first link in the string if checked
one checkbox that makes the system set the pagename as the last item ( but not as link ) in the string if checked.
@John W
Sorry I mislead you. If you can accept that the home is missing, and that you have to use an extra line if you want to show the actual pagename, then it functions already - if you specify a link/landing page for each level.