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Alan C.
Alan C.

Wepage appearance changes after exporting  en

Author: Alan C.
Visited 2157, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Before I export my website I can see the full background image. After exporting the pages, I only see part of the background image.

Why does this change after exporting the pages.


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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Alan, is it possible to provide a link to the site online?

It appears you are not comparing apples with apples. The browser size on the left image appears smaller than that on the right so the image has more space to fill at a slightly different aspect ratio on the right.

Are you using page background with image set to fit window or do not repeat/centre? You can also use row formats or even cell background image, but each have there limitations and advantages. Please confirm how and where you placed the image.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Alan C.
Alan C.

Hi Esahc,

Here is the link to the website. 

Can I move the text section lower so that the image is in full view?

Look forward to your comments.


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Posted on the from Alan C.
Giorgio C.
Giorgio C.

Here's how I see the site Try refreshing from the browser's cache Ctrl+F5


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Posted on the from Giorgio C.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Alan, your website varies in appearance (just as in your 2 screen captures) depending on the width of your browser. The one on the left is full desktop, the one on the right is tablet.

You did not tell me where you added the backgound picture, did you add it in step2 Template/template stucture? And if so is it in the header, header background, page content or page background? (I am guessing probably page background)

If you want have that picture on every webpage, I recommend you remove it and put it as header background, then adjust the height of the header background and the height of your header to match and accomodate the picture. You can use a different version of the picture (resize to suit viewport 1,2, 3, etc, I use irfanview because it is free) and also adjust the header background and header depth to suit each resolution.

By adjusting the depth of the header, the text box will be below the header.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Alan C.
Alan C.

Thank you Esau,

You have been extremely helpful.


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Posted on the from Alan C.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I am pleased that you are pleased :-)

There are many other techniques for including background images in WX5, not the least is Row Formats, please let us know if you want more details.

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Posted on the from Esahc ..