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Michael O.
Michael O.

Fixed background not working  en

Author: Michael O.
Visited 2209, Followers 1, Shared 0  

The fixed background choice on the Template Structure works perfectly on the preview, but when uploaded, I get a white backgound on the tablet size and a moving backgound on my Android mobile.

On the Android tablet, the background appears for a moment then disappears and changes to white.

I have tried a number of options: centred, top, bottom etc., but the result is always the same.

The desktop version works perfectly.

My site is

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John S.
John S.

Hello Michael

Beware that you have to set the template for each viewport

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Posted on the from John S.
Michael O.
Michael O.

Hi John, I have done that.

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Posted on the from Michael O.
Michael O.
Michael O.

Hi John (again),

The site works perfectly for all viewports on the preview before uploading - it does not work the same, however, when the site is published and live.

Thanks for your interst.

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Posted on the from Michael O.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Michael O.
La scelta dello sfondo fisso sulla Struttura modello funziona perfettamente sull'anteprima, ma quando viene caricata, ottengo un backgound bianco sulle dimensioni del tablet e un backgound in movimento sul mio cellulare Android. Sul tablet Android, lo sfondo appare per un momento, quindi scompare e diventa bianco. Ho provato diverse opzioni: centrato, superiore, inferiore ecc., Ma il risultato è sempre lo stesso. La versione desktop funziona perfettamente. Il mio sito è

>> This is my invention of 2009, ... that > Thomas  has applied to his site through the Expert panel for extra custom code.
... if you are an expert, the code used is free, and is clear in the source of my example (Ctrl+U).
(IT > EN | google translate).




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Posted on the from  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Stefano G.

Hi Michael,

Did you get the chance to test on an iOS device? And what if you simply shrink the window on your desktop pc. Do you get the same wrong view of the background there as you do on your tablet?

Also, would it be possible for you to attach here a screenshot of exactly what you're seeing from your tablet and phone, as to be able to better understand what could be going wrong?

Please keep me posted on this

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Tom G.
Tom G.

I followed KolAsim's instructions above to solve my problem and it worked fine.

I also opened your page on small iPod touch, and looks like background imiage is there:


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Posted on the from Tom G.