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Huveneers A.
Huveneers A.

Text line height value  en

Author: Huveneers A.
Visited 4124, Followers 2, Shared 58  

How do you change the spacing between the lines of text in a text cell? Spacing is too large and I need to reduce the line spacing.

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Steve J.

Hi, actually the line-height is fixed. This is due to the fact that this value is correctly rendered in all the browsers. If you change it, using CSS, the risk could be to have a different height for the whole Text Object and, obiously, for the page layout.

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Posted on the from Steve J.
Steven Dobrowski
Steven Dobrowski

Sorry for the cross-posting, but very keen to get this sorted out.

My old site (under X5 version 8) rendered line spacings correctly in Firefox 6, Explorer 9, Opera 11, Chrome 14, Safari 5, and Lunascape 6. Moving my site over (to X5 version 9) has increased line spacing for all text constained in text boxes, and there is now far too much white space between lines of text when the site is viewed in the preview screen, and in all these test browsers.  Apart from implementing page by page css , is there a site-wide fix to restoring (reducing) my line spacings?

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Posted on the from Steven Dobrowski
Knut A.
Knut A.

Hi Claudio,

this change is really worst and effects all concepts of my created Websites! Ok, I can make changes in the CSS-File of each page, but it would be overwritten each time I make an update. Is it possible to change this value in the WebSiteX5 configuration file?

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Posted on the from Knut A.
Steven Dobrowski
Steven Dobrowski

The fact that the line height cannot be changed is a real issue - a big problem. The article you have cited at (see also talks about text copy being set at 16pts, which is likely to work well with the large line height in X5 version 9. If I cannot compress line heights, I have masses of reworking to do to get my site looking like I need.

What is the line height, font and font size in this post?

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Posted on the from Steven Dobrowski
Claudio N.

Hello Steven,

The line height cannot be changed in v8 too. It was fixed like in v9.

In these posts the line height is 1.4em (it means 1.4 times the font size, just like in the sites created with v9). The font used is Trebuchet MS at 1em (about 14px). Wink

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Posted on the from Claudio N.
Gerry G.
Gerry G.

Your answers here appear to me like " don't give a damn". This problem has arisen for me just 1 week after purchasing the product.

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Posted on the from Gerry G.
Gerry G.
Gerry G.

Here is a potential kluge

Form the text in a graphics file and bring it into your page as a picture

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Posted on the from Gerry G.
Claudio N.

Gerry, we had to do like this to get a better compatibility between browsers. As we had to raise the line-height, we decided to do it as almost all the webdesigners do in these days: keeping the line-height between 1.4 and 1.5 times the font size.

We'll not reduce it because this will cause a lot of other issues, such misaligned lines between FF and IE.Wink

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Posted on the from Claudio N.