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Gustavo N.
Gustavo N.

I have a problem. Mistakenly I pasted a HTML code on the index/Home page using the route map/expert/  en

Author: Gustavo N.
Visited 1475, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Mistakenly, I pasted an HTML  code on my Index/Homepage using the route: Map/Properties/Expert/Before closing the HEAD tag. After publishing the updated website, I noticed the problem and came back to fix the issue and erased the pasted HTML code and saved it, I published the website again and the problem persisted. I tried many methods to get rid of the problem but, nothing works, the HTML code disappear from the workplace, but still appearing when publish. The software does not allow me to edit any coding directly, and the Index/Homepage cannot be erased or replaced.

the website: the top banner with "google-site-verification: googlecd5d02c27908309b.html" is the one I am talking about.

Thank you for your help.

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Andre E
Andre E

The code you used is probably wrong, remove the google code, just for test, upload, refresh page with F5 and your site should be good.

The google site verification tha you fill in in Statistics/SEO /code should look like:

< meta name-google-site-verification"content="djlsdkjfhsjkhfaslfhs"/>

so no html at the end. Check with google to get the code that looks like descriped. And set that one in x5.

If you want to use the code with html in at the end, you can do that also but the mentionend way above is better.

To use the code with html at the end, again remove it form the seo option in x5. you can upload it by connecting in step5 with your webhost, then use button in x5, file upload, load the html in the root of your website and that will work also.

But it's better to use the other code because you will have it in x5, the other will be forgotten and then you end up on a certain time with 2 codes if you add it like it should.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Giorgio C.
Giorgio C.

Secondo me non lo hai cancellato e si trova nella pagina home>dopo l'apertura del tag BODY


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Posted on the from Giorgio C.
Gustavo N.
Gustavo N.

I knew the code was the wrong code. that is not the problem. the problem is that I followed the steps that you mention. "remove the google code, just for test, upload, refresh page with F5 and your site should be good" DID NOT WORK!!!!!!!

Apparently, the Home/Index page is untouchable, and even if you change the code, still appearing just on that page. I tried to go through the route: Map/Properties/Expert/Before closing the HEAD just for the Home/Index page and the sentence "google-site-verification: googlecd5d02c27908309b.html" just vanished from everywhere but, still appearing when you upload or test the page. then I duplicated the index/home page and on the duplicate, the error does not appear. 

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Posted on the from Gustavo N.
Andre E
Andre E

Can it be that it is in more then one place? (it's now in the HEAD section)

Check;  step 1 settings, -> expert TAB; ->statistics and seo -> expert TAB.

Then use pulldown and check for bold items in the pulldown.

check also home page, properties , then expert TAB, also the bold pulldowns for this code if found, remove.

There you should find the code, remove it there as well and then upload refresh and check again.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Gustavo N.
Gustavo N.

This is what I have now:

as you can see. the code is nowhere to be found, but when you publish it this is what you see:

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Posted on the from Gustavo N.
Stefano G.

Hi Gustavo,

Usually when errors like this happen, it's because the code has been inserted in the wrong spot. In this case though, I believe you might find it here:

At Step 1 under Statistics, SEO, Code

When this particular code shows, it was because in previous version it might have been inserted there, but now it has to be removed.

Please check this and let me know if you manage to fix it

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Andre E
Andre E

I think so also Stefano,

But that was already asked / mentionend in my first post. I think that it has been set on multiple places and know it still excist once somewhere. It good very well be in the SEO expert part.

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Posted on the from Andre E