External code!? 
Author: Milenko VojnovićExternal code
Since nobody, and your web site design software is not perfect, we all use the external code to maximize the functionality of our pages. I noticed that your program with each new version supports any smaller external code or does not work properly with any problems. Of course, I consider that such a situation is unsustainable and very unethical to us, to the end users of your program. Why is that so? Do you intentionally or intentionally take this to us?
If you do not want us to use an external code (I think that is a legitimate right) then start to fundamentally upgrade some modules, not after a few strokes you make a new version of the program ...
Problems with upgrading v15 to v16 I did not want to potentiate, on one of my query because of the problem you answered that the problem caused the external code. OK! Then came the upgrade v16 to v17 and suddenly even more problems?!?!
I do not want to keep up with you and lose time ...
It's easier for me to find a program that I'm going to be happy about, not playing loyalty to you ...
Do not blame me for this, but understand this very seriously!
Vanjski kod
Pošto ničiji, a tako i vaš program za izradu veb stranica nije savršen, svi mi koji želimo da nam stranice budu maksimalno funkcionalne koristimo i vanjski kod. Primijetio sam da vaš program sa svakom novom inačicom podržava sve manje vanjskog koda ili isti ne radi potpuno ispravno praveći kojekakve probleme. Naravno, smatram da je takvo stanje neodrživo i vrlo nekorektno prema nama, krajnjim korisnicima vašeg programa. Zašto je to tako? Tjerate li nas vi to od sebe nenamjerno ili namjerno?
Ako vi ne želite da koristimo vanjski kod (takvo mišljenje samtram kao vaše legitimno pravo) onda počnite suštinski nadograđivati pojedine module, a ne da nakon nekoliko poteza šminkom vi objavite novu inačicu programa...
Probleme vezane uz nadogradnju v15 na v16 nisam htio potencirati, na jedan moj upit zbog problema odgovorili ste mi da je problem prouzrokovao vanjski kod. OK! Onda je došla nadogradnja v16 na v17 i odjednom još više problema?!?!
Ne da mi se stalno s vama dopisivati i gubiti vrijeme...
Lakše je, čini mi se, pronaći program s koji ću biti zadovoljan, a ne glumiti lojalnost prema vama...
Nemojte mi na ovome zamjeriti već ovo shvatite veoma ozbiljno!
I do not use 3rd party code as a general rule. It maintains my sanity. If my sites have any issues I can rest assured that on advise from me (&others) Incomedia will fix the issue
NO web authoring package can guarantee to maintain compatability with code that is beyond their control, no matter how compatible it was at time of insertion.
Bolje da nisi ništa napisao jer ovo je čisto trolovanje!!!
Milenko, I do not understand your rebuttal.
I currently maintain many websites. Over the years I have frequently been frustrated by the limitations of WX5 and a number of other platforms. On most occasions when I went outside the platform to create an innovative solution (3rd party code) I came unstuck within 1 or 2 revisions or updates to the software.
I now resign myself to working within the limitations of WX5 and producing the result I need "some other way"
For instance, I prefer to use tables, but in WX5 these are not responsive. With a litttle thought and effort a table can be constructed as cells on a page. The result looks the same but the result is totally responsive.
Of course there is 3rd party code that creates responsive tables, but can I be sure it works in v17.0.6 as it did in bv16.1.3?
I myself use a lot of own code. I even learned jQuery (in addition to basic CSS and JavaScript) to achieve desired results. All for features that WSX5 doesn’t provide.
The code works fine on one version and suddenly, unexpectedly, stops working on new released version. I could understand if the new software version provided solution within own code. But this is usually not the case! The user’s own code simply stops working, or gives unpredicted results.
And that is not right! I’ve been trying to simplify the code to minimum, so that it would not interfere with Incomedia software. But WSX5 still can make my code useless, without giving own working solution.
I also wonder: is it intentional, or the programmers just don’t bother thinking of possible negatives of their “fixes”.