Header Slideshow 
Author: P. SHello,
I have been trying to add a gallery object (classic slideshow), the site is 1200 width, i set the maximum width to 1200 X 400.
I have created several images at 1200 X 400 and added these, i have no controls on the object, it just changes the image every 15 seconds.
The issue is that the images contain text, this appears slightly blurred, when viewed outside of Website X5 the images look fine.
I also tried using the row format - image list, then having a text box, obviously the text then looks fine. The problem with this is trying to make the text change with the images, rollover and tab works once then appears to break!
Onother issue with using the gallery object for this is scaling, if i could use the row fomats and a text box i think scaling would work.
I have thought about buying Web Animator to make my own galley object, but i am not sure if this would correct the blurred text.
I am also looking for a third party gallery object that includes text options for each image.
Any suggestions?
(i have tried different size images, different resolutions, different resampling)
Hello P.S.
If you use the row-format with the images ( with in-built text ) - how does it then look? Is the text still blurred then?
You should know, that you could also use text-object for a slideshow. You could then have a text beneath the images - you cannot have text covering the images as it will be in the same layer. But you could maybe use the images with in-built text.
A third party slider, could be the wow-slider. This slider can have text showing on the images, and it has a beautiful effect ( the KenBurns ).
On this testpage : http://www.bramminginfo.dk/brm02/ you find a slideshow made with wow-slider. By adding some code I have made the slide-show in full width. There is no text shown.
Here : http://www.energifremtiden.dk/c4d/slider.html there is text shown.
But you should try the text-box as slider. Remember to set the margins to 0 then.
When I mean the text object for slideshow, I mean for both images and text. At the moment there is some problems in version 17 regarding the text object, but you could try it in earlier versions of the X5.
If you like the wow-slider there is a version for download that is free so you can test, but there will be watermarks on the images.
I have not been testing version 17 myself, but apparently there should not be needed code anymore to have an object be shown in full width.
Forgot about the WebAnimator. This will function, and you will have full control over what happens. You can make each image as a scene, and then have transitions between scenes. You can also make text effects and you can have the text appear animated when hovering, by making timelines for mouseover and mouseout. The result can be made fully responsive and keep the ratio - but I don't know how the V 17 will function - it requires it can make the object height automatic.
If you use the WebAnimator, you shold not use in-built text images. Even if it will not be blurred, there should be no need for this. It is much better to use text-objects for text. The text objects will/can be responsive - and can be animated.
You can have a slideshow where both images and text are animated, and they will be perfect syncronized, as they will be in/on the same scene.
Here is something I have made in an old version of the WebAnimator : http://www.energifremtiden.dk/c4d/page-119.html
Hello John S.
Thank you for all your suggestions - i will give these a try and let you know what works best.
Hello John S.
I think there is a problem with the text object.
I removed the text from my images, then used these images as the background in row formats (Image List) - I then put the text in a text object (Text looks fine).
If i set the rollover to sections, it will work until it reached the end, then fails and the whole text area disapears. The text flickers over each time period.
I get the same failure if i create a tabbed text object and use the slideshow option - it works fine, until it reached the last tab, then fails.
I wanted to see if i could match the change time in the image list to the rollover time in the text object.
I am not sure about Webanimator now, i have read some of the support posts, it seems to have a few issues at the moment.
I have not started using v 17 yet. But I can see that issues regarding the text-object has been reported, and they should be fixed after the next update.
I suggest you make a test in v. 16 eventually - just to see the potential for the text-object as slideshow.
You put both an image and text beneath the image. You do this for every tab, and then in settings you specify it as slideshow. You can choose automatic or when the "arrows" is clicked.
About WebAnimator - well - it is an INCOMEDIA product. It has always had issues, and the support is not something to write home about. - but it is a rather good product. There is also Googles WebDesigner. It is free and it has the same or more possibilities - but it is not as easy to use as the WebAnimator.
Let us know how it goes.
Fade Effect-Hidden Controllers, Link, Description & more on Mouseover-
>> Marketplace >> Swiper Animated Slider
Yes KolAsim - this is also good. Only thing here is, that I have not found out how to have the navigation "arrows" WITHOUT also the dots for navigation. But maybe it will be perfect for your need, P.S.
... ... without links I can not verify, but maybe with extra code ... ciao
Hello John S/KolAsim,
I had missed this, just looking at the gallery section.
I will give this a try.
I think what i wanted was the slider that is used being used here - (click on the Marketplace tabe at the top of this page).
There is also the Swiper Grid Slider that has text ( and links ).
Now your biggest problem should be : to choose