Uploading My Website 
Author: David H.
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Hi, i am having a problem up loading my website, if you go to my website you will see, can you help? Thanks Dave. http://www.winghamsigns.com.au/
Posted on the
. . . seems to be a server problem - have a word with your webspace-provider . . .
possibly you used an incorrect directory or you do not have sufficiant rights.
As Pcssa said above, you should contact your hosting provider. Seems that all the files uploaded in the subfolders were gone. Maybe you can't upload inside the subfoldrs of your site. Pretty sure it's a permissions problem.
Keep us informed.
Thank you!
My web host said it seems to up load to the web fine but there is some coding error or corrupt files? All i do is create my webpage with websitex5 and upload, is there a public_html i have to create or does websitex5 do it for you? Thanks Dave
same thing happens withwww.fxsource.com.au
what am i doin wrong?
Use the X5 Export........
i have designed and full export with websiteX5 evo 9
To me, it seems that WSX5 can't upload the files in the subfolders of your site because of some permissions problem.
You should ask to your hosting provider if your account has got the correct permissions. Moreover, you can try to export the site on your local HD and then upload it using FileZilla. If your rights are not correct, you'll get an error with FileZilla too.
Keep us informed.
Thank you!
@ David H.
-> which package did you order at *connect infobahn australia* - may be a *Cloud-space* ?
And its true that you still work with *Evolution* ? No updates made ?
i rang my host provider and they say its not a permission problem, they recon its a code problem. i can change the permission myself on my cpanel, i checked box execute & user it seemed to work with my other site www.fxsource.com.au but not with www.winghamsigns.com.au
as to the version its the latest update, it updates each time i open it up, but i dont know which package i ordered.
thanks for all your help guys, im getting pritty tired of it but...hope it can be solved
. . . but as i told:
-> for *http://www.winghamsigns.com.au/* you used *Evolution* and not v9.0.4.1748
-> while *http://www.fxsource.com.au/index.html* has been done with with v9.0.4.1748
again each time i open it updates the version, i just uploadedwww.winghamsigns.com.auagain just then and still no go
i open the folders in dreamweaver and view on internet via there and seems to work but when i upload via x5 it seems there is a folder error, prob my fault, tial and error i think
i tried uploading wingham signs to fx source ha it worked on the fx site
www.winghamsigns.com.au www.fxsource.com.au
Hi David,
It seems quite strange that it works on a server but it doesn't on another. As far as I can see, on www.winghamsigns.com.au the files stored in a subfolder are not saved. I've seen this problem in the past on other servers and it's always been a permission related issue.
If you export the site on your local HD, you'll see that the full site is correctly exported. You can try then to export it using FileZilla and see if you get the same error.
cheers i'll try that