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Steve P.
Steve P.

Table Borders Lost  en

Author: Steve P.
Visited 1177, Followers 1, Shared 23  
Tags: borders,table

After importing a project from V8 to V9 Table borders have disappeared from HTML objects that have been coded with a table an border parameter.

The old version, in V8, applied the table borders as per the HTML code instruction e.g. <table width=160 height=320 border=1 align=top bgcolor=#FFFF99 bordercolor=#000080 summary="Online Travel Store in association with Explorer Travel"> and display the borders.

I have uploaded the converted files to a test folder and sure enough, in the browser (Google chrome Ver 13.0.782.220 m), the borders have disappeared. Does anyone know why this should happen?

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BmT 3000
BmT 3000

I'm not an expert but I've seen on the Net that a lot of tags became obsolete in HTML5 and have to be replaced in with CSS instructions. Maybe that's what happening with your code since V9 creates HTML 5, now.

You might want to sent a private message to Incomedia support team who could help you with this matter.


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Posted on the from BmT 3000
Steve P.
Steve P.

Thanks, I guess we will have to look this up and solve - HTML5 is going to become the norm, so I suppose we should take it into account.


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Posted on the from Steve P.