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Tom G.
Tom G.

Is it really "what's new"?  en

Author: Tom G.
Visited 3160, Followers 1, Shared 0  

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Elisa B.

Hi Tom, 

thank you for getting in touch.

I can see what you mean: if compared to the past, this time there are less new features in this new updated. Still, I want to stress the fact that with Update Protection  we are going to release new updates more frequently. In this way, we will introduce  new functions more regularly. This time in we decided to focused on the graphic design and on templates, as you can see on this official post

Anyway, our goal is of course to keep developing the software. 

Please let me know if I can be o further help. Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Tom G.
Tom G.

Tank you for your response, Elisa.

So, you just confirmed what I sarcastically pointed to. Incomedia focused on the software graphic design and not on issues reported by users for last number of years (eg. confirmation email in Shopping Cart - about three years).

That's why the users do not fall for your Update Protection. I don't think I want to pay $229 (or $206 with your generous offer) just to see different WSX5 icon or changed layout. I will stay with 17.1.2 untill I see the functionality errors fixed. And so will the other users...



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Posted on the from Tom G.
Bjorn Andreassen
Bjorn Andreassen

It's nothing new :) Just new design.

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Posted on the from Bjorn Andreassen
Bjorn Andreassen
Bjorn Andreassen

...and new bugs.

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Posted on the from Bjorn Andreassen
Siegbert G.
Siegbert G.

Deshalb schaue ich mich gerade nach einem neuen Anbieter um.
Ich habe in den letzten Tagen meine Seiten überarbeitet und dabei musste ich mich mit vielen hier angesprochenen Problemen auseinandersetzen.

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Posted on the from Siegbert G.
Tom G.
Tom G.
Siegbert G.
Deshalb schaue ich mich gerade nach einem neuen Anbieter um. Ich habe in den letzten Tagen meine Seiten überarbeitet und dabei musste ich mich mit vielen hier angesprochenen Problemen auseinandersetzen.

Means in English:

"That's why I'm looking for a new provider.
Over the past few days, I've been redesigning my pages, and I've had to deal with a lot of the issues I'm talking about."

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Posted on the from Tom G.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

This post still appears to be available. . . . . somewhere

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Elisa B.

Hi Tom, 

yes, this time we have focused on Templates and graphic design changes. Still, as we have mentioned on other posts related to this topic, with Update Protection we can release more updates more frequently, so we are going to keep introducing new features for the upcoming updates. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
Myron A.
Myron A.

I will not buy a new version of X5 until Incomedia fixes all the long-standing shortcomings that have been discussed on this forum for YEARS.

Does anyone using X5 really care about a new interface and a new corporate ”look”?


What we care about is having functional software.

So far, Update ”Protection” is a complete joke. I’m so happy I never bought into it.

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Posted on the from Myron A.
William J.
William J.

Totally agree with Myron and like him im so glad I did not fall for update protection. I too do not care that a new interface and corporate look has been so high on Incomedias agenda. I would rather have had them spend the time and effort fixing the reported problems rather than the look of the software. No point in having a cool looking software program if it does not function as it should especially at the price they charge. How can incomedia call this update protection?? 

Case in point parallax function, could not fix the bug so all they have done is remove it from the problem browsers and have it scroll with the rest of the page. Thats not "parallax" also one of the reasons I purchased the program in the first place.

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Posted on the from William J.


It's a way to fix an issue... to block usage on some devices... and Hop problem disappears....

Incomedia concept...

And like you I am disappointed by this new version PAID by us with Update Protection to have only new painting, logo and look... and NOOOOOO fixes

Thanks Incomedia.



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Posted on the from Axel  
Melissa K.
Melissa K.

Very much agreed with the disappointing new version - a fresh coat of paint hardly seems worth the update protection.

I mean, considering the amount of shortcomings and lack of features that this program has [not being truly responsive, not having an undo button, really weird gallery transitions, the list goes on] to only have an updated interface seem particularly underwhelming.

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Posted on the from Melissa K.
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

I have most of licences from version 8 so I think my rights for comments are enough. So stupid information as they said "we start from visual look, then we improve programm" I Saw and listened before. I am sure they are not able to improve programm (each new version goes with more troubles, problems and bugs). Most wishes are comments "we will see in the future". I wrote a half of year ago with 17th "it is the last time I believe in your promises. You have a year for proof". New version, the same promises, and nothing concrete...

I do not believe more. Game's over, folks.

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Posted on the from Andrzej K.
Myron A.
Myron A.

Yes, indeed. Ignoring customers’ needs is never a good business model.

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Posted on the from Myron A.
Tom G.
Tom G.
Elisa B.
... with Update Protection we can release more updates more frequently, so we are going to keep introducing new features for the upcoming updates. 

Can you, Elisa, elaborate a little? I just don't understnd how you could release more updates (I understand bugs fixes and requests) with Update Protection. Does it mean that if we (the users) don't but Update Protection - there will be less, if at all, updates?

I would say it would be the other way. If you release more bug fixes and implement user's requests - more users will buy the UP. That would be a great incentive to buy it!

I don't think that changing user interface next to different colors (for example to green - red - yellow) and to different default font will cause users to buy the UP...

Think about it! Work on bug fixes! DELIVER!!!

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Posted on the from Tom G.
Henry H.
Henry H.

Se que no soy el único inconforme que una actualización que solo se basa en cosméticos. Me resulta imposible de creer que en todos estos años ninguna sugerencia dada por los usuarios le sean validas al equipo de incomedia.

Mejoras en ecommerce, en el seo, mejoras en la búsqueda interna en especial en el carrito de compra, mejoras en el formulario de contacto, son aspectos que otros software ya tienen e incomedia se niega a escuchas de sus clientes


I know I'm not the only nonconformity that an update that is only based on cosmetics. I find it impossible to believe that in all these years no suggestions given by users are valid to the incomedia team.

Improvements in ecommerce, seo, improvements in internal search especially in the shopping cart, improvements in the contact form, are aspects that other software already have and incomedia refuses to listen to their customers

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Posted on the from Henry H.
William J.
William J.

Tom G

I had the same query with incomedia and their response was dissapointing at the very least. check out the posts "Update query " and "Update protection (bait or real thing?)"

you may not like the answer given but at least they came clean about their intentions. 

Just a few of the reasons why I did not opt for update protection and am sticking with the last ver of 16.3.1

I can see me stopping using it all together since the latest update seems to be giving more problems and no bugs fixed i.e. parallax has been given up on. Very little in the way of real updates and fixes and next to no new objects added. It would also seem that new templates are being constructed so that they will not work with earlier versions. So if I wish to purchase one of the new templates I would be forced to purchase the updated program just so that I could use it?? I could be wrong on that and hope Incomedia will correct me if this is indeed the case.

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Posted on the from William J.
Myron A.
Myron A.

Indeed, you would need to buy the latest version of X5 to be able to use the newest templates. Incomedia has discovered the perfect ”baitware” model.

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Posted on the from Myron A.
Elisa B.

Hi Tom, 

as I said, with Update Protection we are going to release more updates, and in each one we are going to introduce some features: this will result in a more constant release of new features. As you said, the more updates the better, as by releasing more updates we will also make the Update Protection advantages more clear. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Posted on the from Elisa B.
William J.
William J.

Hi Elsa, I don't see anywhere in Toms post that he has said "the more updates the better" the way I read his post is that it should be the opposite of what you have said. quote

"I would say it would be the other way. If you release more bug fixes and implement user's requests - more users will buy the UP. That would be a great incentive to buy it!"

I might be wrong in my interpretation but thats what I took out of his post.

So Elisa can you also confirm that the new templates will not work unless we use update protection?

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Posted on the from William J.
Henry H.
Henry H.
Elisa B.
Hola Tom,  como dije, con Update Protection vamos a lanzar más actualizaciones, y en cada una vamos a presentar algunas características: esto dará como resultado un lanzamiento más constante de nuevas características. Como ha dicho, cuantas más actualizaciones mejor, ya que al lanzar más actualizaciones también haremos que las ventajas de la Protección de actualización sean más claras.  ¡Gracias! Saludos cordiales.

Si entiendo bien dicen por ejemplo que es más fácil sacar 10 o 30 actualizaciones al año que hacer un lanzamiento con todas mejoras....?

Se que esto lo hacen con un sentido meramente comercial para se siga pagando por UDP, pero al final termina por molestar y ya se está comenzando a sentir el malestar; por que nos quieren ver la cara de tontos a los clientes que somos el corazón de incomedia.

Como es posible que durante tantos años se este pidiendo lo mismo y lo mismo, y lo mismo pero incomedia sigue y sigue, y sigue ignorando las peticiones. Por favor 


If I understand well they say for example that it is easier to take 10 or 30 updates a year than to do a launch with all improvements ...?

I know this is done with a purely commercial sense to continue paying for UDP, but in the end it ends up bothering and you are already beginning to feel the discomfort; because they want to see the foolish face of the clients that we are the heart of incomedia.

As it is possible that for so many years you are asking the same and the same, and the same but incomedia goes on and on, and continues to ignore the requests. Please

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Posted on the from Henry H.