Back up not possible to complete message 
Author: Jonathan S.
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When I run a project export to create a back up I get this error. It previously ran ok. Thks
Website X5 Evolution 12
Posted on the
When you open WX5 you have the option to copy the project, can I recommend you do so in case of further problems?
You say you have an earlier iwzip? If so, open WX5 and import this project (it will NOT overwrite your existing project). After import and preview, if you use Windows Explorer to look in the project directory, is there any chance that this folder exists in the library folder?
Unfortunately v12 is no longer supported by Incomedia, but we will help if we can.
Jonathan, further to my above post. If if does not work (you don't have a recent iwzip file)
ONLY working on a copy of your project, start deleting things. after deletion, try export (create iwzip). You can delete pages or individual cells, it is up to you. Once you can successfully export to iwzip you will be able to narrow your search by working on yet another copy.
You will probably find an individual object or perhaps a page (or even the header) causing the issue, when found and deleted it should be easily recreated allowing you to export the complete project.
Hi - great support - many thanks
I isolated the object causing the problem by deleting items added since the last back up.
The cause was a photo from an iphone that was added as a single gallery item. When I viewed the object in X5 it showed an greyed image of a camera not the photo. When I viewed it on the actual website it showed the photo.
I deleted this object and the backup ran clean.
Thanks again.
Great result . . .
One sales question - this is for a school website so it is basic functionality only.
I note the current Evolution version is @16 and the school I support is at V12.
Many Thanks
Jonathan, I am a stalwart on WX5 (not an employee)
You can find the upgrade cost under your profile (top right, this page) under offers.
There will come a time when v12 will not be able to be imported (just as v9 has problems) to the current version (please note that even now an iwzip is required and can be created in step 5 export, export project - this should be done OFTEN)
Yes there is a great deal of extra functionality in subsequent versions. I cannot point you at the upgrade specs because v12 is so old the upgrade details between v12 & v13 & v14 & v15 are no longer available in Guides.*%20%20match%3Awords%20lang%3Aen%20type%3Aupdate
If you move to the latest version you will love the extra functionality and ease of use. Over the past 3 years Incomedia have made responsive sites for mobiles and tablets a snap, menus are now objects that can be placed anywhere on any page, footer or header, everything works better and is more consistent and of course unlike v12, the current version is fully supported by Incomedia. There is more (much more) and if you ask questions we will answer, (and yes there are still some unresolved requests going back even before v12 that many of us hope to be resolved in the foreseeable future :-).
Esahc - Many Thanks - much appreciated advice and makes perfect sense.