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Branislav Z.
Branislav Z.

Annoying gallery error  en

Author: Branislav Z.
Visited 2003, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hi there,

recently I observed a persisting gallery error in evo17 2019.1.7. It occures in every type of gallery except horizontal and vertical. I give an example: I have 5 pics in the gallery, type of the gallery is "pictures in the frame". Number of visibile pics is set on 5. I replace 3 of the pictures with new ones. Dispite the number of visibile pics is 5 and there is 5 pics for real, I see plus 3 more "empty" pictures! I am unable to deal with this. The only way how to fix it is delete the gallery and bild new one. This is pretty annoying.


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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Branislav, I have tried to reproduce this in v2019 (same version you are using) but have been unsuccessful. Is this a problem only online or is it also visible in preview after CTRL+Preview?

If CTRL+preview clears the problem, do a full website upload (not just a new and changed).

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Branislav Z.
Branislav Z.

Yes, the problem is visible also in preview mode.

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Posted on the from Branislav Z.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

If you delete the gallery object (or better still, the page) and recreate it, does that remove the problem?

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Posted on the from Esahc ..
Branislav Z.
Branislav Z.

Now I have learned this: I have deleted the unwanted pictures and saved. Then I have added new pics and everything was OK.

The steps which led to error were: I copied a description of the picture, deleted the picture, added new picture, pasted the description from clipboard, did same steps with pics 2 and 3, at the end saved. Then deleted pictures left in gallery as "empty".

Pls try to reproduce that steps.

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Posted on the from Branislav Z.
Branislav Z.
Branislav Z.

Yes, when the gallery object was deleted and recreated, the problem was fixed.

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Posted on the from Branislav Z.
Stefano G.

Hi Branislav.

I've attempted to reproduce the issue following the steps you indicated, but it was unsuccessful

I would like to dig deeper into this in order to understand if an actual error could be hiding there. Even though this might take a little time, I would like to ask you, if possible, to shoot a video of the error as you reproduce the steps and then post it here so that I might check it carefully for you and try to reproduce that one more time

This could greatly help with the examination

Let me know if this is possible for you

Thank you


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Branislav Z.
Branislav Z.

Hi Stefano,

I tried to capture the error, but this time I was unsuccessfull too. It is wierd, I have had this problem with several galleries  consecutively. If I register that error in the future I ll update you.


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Posted on the from Branislav Z.