Online Store Questions 
Author: Melissa K.Hi there,
I'm setting up an online store, and I have a couple of questions I'd need clarification on:
1- I have a button to view the shopping cart. If there is an item in the cart and I click "continue shopping", it goes back to the store page. If the cart is empty, the "continue shopping" button takes me to the home page, not the store page. I'm guessing this is a glitch, but does anyone know where I can find a work-around this issue?
2 - In the product catalogue item, I can modify the settings for the add to cart button, such as the colour, size, etc. However, I can't find where I can edit the text so that it doesn't say "add" and I can customize what the button says, without making it into an image.
3 - Is there any way to add a coming soon type of item? I want to let people know more items are coming, but there doesn't seem to be an option for that.
I'd appreciate any help.
1. As far as I know, with this at the moment, nothing can be done.
2. Try this:
3. You can try to do it manually.Add a regular product, in its name add "Coming Soon" and set for it "Out of stock":
Thank you for your response.
1 - That is very disappointing, wouldn't that be something relatively important to consider when creating the system?
2 - That would be fantastic, but I would prefer something I can customize for each item. Say, if I've got two items, one free and one paid, and I made the button say "get it free!" that would be a bit confusing for the paid item. I'm guessing there's no way to customize it otherwise?
3 - Thanks for the tip, decided to do it without adding it to the catalogue.
1. I do not know.Perhaps the developers of the program will think about it.
2. As far as I know, at the moment it can not be done.
Thank you, Aleksej.
Is there any way to contact the developers of the program to ask for a solution? Because I would need this fixed ASAP because my client wants to get their store started, but can't with this glitch.
Okay, got another question, this one relatively pressing.
Decided to go ahead with the posting of the store, and I tested out the system.
I did the order, got the confirmation on the webpage. It takes a really long while to get the first email confirming the order, but the second email with the digital download links does not want to get send out.
I have tried to get in touch with the web hoster but they are convinced the problem is the coding. I checked the mysql, and the order is there, as is the supposed download link, but I have no idea how to get it fixed.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated!
Okay, update: as far as I can tell, the cart seems to be automatically sending the order not processed (despite on the website saying the order was successful), which would explain why the second email isn't sent out.
My question now is - what are you doing, Incomedia?!?
Don't you test these products out? My client expected a store, and is now very disappointed and upset with how this is playing out. I have done everything as laid out, however, the results are not satisfactory.
I have mentioned it before, and I will again, why don't you have a direct line to contact?
Or if not, at least respond to these forum posts frequently. I have a clear bug [the empty cart glitch], and a very serious error related to the online store, and I can't imagine this is something new, so why hasn't this been tested?
What is the point of the update protection if the prorgrams aren't updated as expected? I would like an answer and a solution ASAP.
"Is there any way to contact the developers of the program to ask for a solution?" - I sent a request to company employees.They will answer you here in the comments.
Hi Melissa
Thank you for getting in touch with us. I will try to address each question one by one:
1_ The "Go back to shopping" button: Considering the way the software is currently designed, no real "Shop" page exists. It is but a simple page like any other where you decided to place the Catalogue Object.
When configured said Object, you can see this checkbox there:
This makes it so that after you click on the product button to add it to your cart, you won't get taken there directly.
If this option is unchecked and this happens, the website will bring you back to the page where you came from once you click the "Continue shopping", since the page where you came from is saved. If you choose to check this option and don't go to the cart after adding a product, the button won't work as expected, but will simply take you back to the homepage.
This is so by design. Several idea posts were already open suggesting how to improve this and they have been received correctly. At the moment though, there is still no news on the matter
2_ What payment method are you using right now? Keep in mind that the immediate delivery of the product after the payment is currently available with PayPal only. If you are not using that, you will have to manually enter the Admin section and click on the "Process" button in order to have the email sent
I hope I've been helpful but feel free to let me know here if I can provide any further info on this
Thank you
Hello Stefano,
I'm not sure you understand.
1: I created a shop page. I created a button that says "View Cart" in that shop page.
If I have previously added an item in my shopping cart, and I click that View Cart button, it takes me to the cart with the item, as expected, and if I click "Continue Shopping" it takes me back to that shop page.
If the shopping cart is empty, and I click the View Cart button, it again takes me to the cart, which is empty, as expected, and if I click the "Continue Shopping" button, it takes me to the index/home page, which doesn't make any sense.
Do you see my problem? If that is by design, then there is a serious issue here.
2: This is a free product, so no payment method is required. Nonetheless, the problem is that after a client orders their product, the store says something akin to "Your order was processed successfully".
Cut to the email message where it sends the "Order unsuccessful" email. Which means that the order is never processed, because according to the system, the order was unsuccessful, but on the mysql database, it is very much there.
I would appreciate any help you can offer.
Hello again,
I am hoping that an answer to my previous questions will be provided soon, but I have yet another question to add.
I have added the paypal option, to see if it would work as Stefano mentioned, but I have some confusions.
First of all, I don't understand the Cost tab in the Payment options. Would this be a service fee of some kind for using the desired payment method?
Second, I went ahead and tried it out, both in sandbox mode, and without it, and I am confused on a couple of points.
- Why does the buy button appear in the same page as the confirmation page. More than one person might get confused and not realize that the button is there and think their order has been processed, and then never receive an email. Is there any way to put the paypal processing before the confirmation page, as in - in two separate pages?
-Also, why is it that when I click the buy now button, it takes me to a paypal page where I have to a) place my own price, and b) zero is not an option. If it's free, then shouldn't the system communicate that with paypal?
If someone could shed some light on these issues, I'd appreciate it.
Hello Melissa,
From the help file (WebSite X5 Shopping Cart - Payment Type window):
You can use the commands in this section to specify the total extra costs that will apply if the customer chooses the current payment method. This amount can be defined in one of the following ways:
▪Cost: you can specify the handling costs (if any) that are applied to the selected payment method.
▪Cost as percentage: you can specify the percentage to be applied to the total order cost to calculate the extra costs.
▪VAT (%): you can specify the VAT rate that is applied to the cost of the payment method. This option is available if you have set the Type as "VAT included" or "VAT excluded" as the VAT settings in Shopping Cart | Options.
- Why does the buy button appear in the same page as the confirmation page. More than one person might get confused and not realize that the button is there and think their order has been processed, and then never receive an email. Is there any way to put the paypal processing before the confirmation page, as in - in two separate pages?
Version 2019.2 now permits you to define the relationship between payment and confirmation:
During the purchasing process, it is important for the Client to receive confirmations for reassurance and to help successfully conclude the transaction. This is why there is a feature for automatically sending a series of notification e-mails whose content can be customized.
Depending on the edition of WebSite X5 you are working with, the means for collection information you've selected (via e-mail or through a database), and the type of products being sold (physical or digital), the e-mails which may be automatically sent from the shopping cart are:
▪Order confirmation e-mail for payment to be completed;
▪Order confirmation e-mail with completed payment;
▪E-mail notifying that an Order of Physical products is shipped;
▪E-mail notifying the release of the digital Products ordered.
So depending on how the Shopping Cart | Sending order, window is set up, the order confirmation e-mail may be sent before or after payment is made. If you choose the option of sending it before payment, the Order confirmation e-mail for payment to be completed will be sent as soon as the order is placed. If you choose to send it after payment, two different payments can be sent:
▪if the transaction is completed successfully, the Order confirmation e-mail with completed payment will be sent;
▪if the transaction is unsuccessful, the Order confirmation e-mail for payment to be completed will be sent.
Note that you can also change the wording of the 'Pay now' button in WebSite X5, to something else (e.g. 'Order now') if it should better suit your purpose. You do this using the Language Content Management window (
Hope that helps in some way.
Kind regards,
Search the WebSite X5 Help Center
Hi Melissa
I'll try to address your issues one by one:
1_ Yes, it is actually structured like this by design at the moment. Without inserting any actual product into the cart, the "Back to shopping" functionality will not be able to determine exactly where the user came from and thus won't redirect you directly. The only way this works correctly now is by actually adding a product to the cart and then clicking to go back
2_ The confirmation page is there exactly to display either the PayPal and it would be possible to divide the two as of now.
3_ If you wish to create a free product to be delivered, I wouldn't suggest using the ecommerce integration. For such a purpose I'd suggest using images, text objects and buttons to allow the user to directly download the file from the server, or eventually upload it online on your FTP and include the link to it in the confirmation email for a Contact Form
Please review these suggestions and let me know what you think
Thank you