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Richard M.
Richard M.

Exporting To The Internet  en

Author: Richard M.
Visited 1254, Followers 3, Shared 18  

I am attempting to export files to the internet, but keep getting a message 'Unable to view list of files present on the server'. If I log on to my ISP's site I can see the files there without any problem. My ISP does not report any problems with their server.

What do I need to do?

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . seems that you are intenting to upload to the wrong directory - or that you do not have sufficiant rights to enter to the directory used . . .

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Posted on the from Pcssa .
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Try connecting with an external FTP Client..... See if that works!

If you are still stuck I do remotes...... See my guestbook!

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Posted on the from Cheeky Man
Richard M.
Richard M.

Thanks for the help above. My host advised that I connect using 'Active' mode (i.e. that 'Passive' mode was switched off). I tried this and it worked. This is good. as it has solved the problem, but puzzling as I've successfully uploaded using Passive mode up until now.

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Posted on the from Richard M.