User manual 
Author: Christo K.Hi guys and ladies from Incomedia,
I am an average user of computer programs including Website X5 and I wish to convey my idea / concern regarding this wonderful program.
I used Website X5 a long time ago and stopped using it because I caouldnt understand how to get my website build in it to my liking. Now I was forced due to my work to upgrade to X5 Pro learn to use it to complete my work.
I like the program but I find it frustrating to use because it is not obvious how to use the pogram eg: Setting up a Blog Step-by-Step or changing the background picture on a template. I had to place a Question in the Website X5 help centre (24 to 48 hour waiting time) just to find out where I can find the picture in question and then the picture size was not available in the program for me to imitate. I found the pic eventually Step 4 Pages, Row formats.
It really takes me too long to find the places and functions in Website X5 to build my website and then there is the questions about adding functions like Paypal donations, Shopping carts and Blogs that is not obvious to the average user and takes me weeks to decipher from the Website X5 help System / User Manual System.
I see Website X5 in a positive light but it is just difficult to compile the website with all the functions my client require in a realistic time frame.
I hope this add value to this program.
Many thanx for this oppertunity.
Kind regards
Hello.You might be interested in these paid video tutorials. In them you will find a lot of useful information for creating a site from scratch.There are also free video tutorials about individual objects and new options.
Hello Christo,
And here are some more links which might be of use to you:
WebSite X5 online guides
WebSite X5 PDF manuals
WebSite X5 video tutorials
WebSite X5 FAQ
Search for help on using WebSite X5
Although it is true that official support from Incomedia can take up to 48 hours on average, in reality you will often receive responses to queries far faster than that, as there are many users and moderators who regularly monitor the Help Center and provide free advice and assistance.
Kind regards,
Hi Aleksej H. and Paul M.
Many thanx for the answers you guys posted. I'll be checking in on them.
Kind regards
You're welcome.