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Peter W.
Peter W.

Stripe Payment System - Just needs completing for WebsiteX5 Pro  en

Author: Peter W.
Visited 4586, Followers 2, Shared 0  

One of the biggest missing components to the ecommerce system is a working Credit Card payment system. 

As not everybody has a PayPal account, I have also implemented Stripe payments for credit cards. I did this by using the instructions given by a French member of this forum. Once I managed to translate and understand his instructions (I do not speak French), I was able to implement it and it works well - except for the fact that you have to process each order manually.

So what I need now is instructions on how to adjust this so that when the payment is confirmed, the order is then automatically processed. This appears to work with PayPal, so surely it must be possible to add some code to this to make it work with Stripe as well.

It would be really great if someone cleverer than me can get this working - Stripe is the best way of accepting Credit Card payments online and all it needs is that little extra bit of code to confirm orders made through Stripe. The attached file gives instructions on how to make this work up to the payment. However, the website owner still needs to use the app or the admin area to confirm each payment.

It should be relatively easy for the Incomedia technicians to complete this job. 

I have attached full instructions in English.

Posted on the

Hello Peter,

If i do not error, with Paypal you need also to confirm each order manually by the admin panel !

So I think it's the same processus with Stripe or other


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Posted on the from Axel  
Peter W.
Peter W.

With digital downloads (not physical products), PayPal orders do appear to be processed immediately. 
This settinf needs to activated for it to work. I am looking for the same function to be usable with Stripe payments.

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Posted on the from Peter W.

Did you have tested this one with Paypal.. are you sure that customer receives automatically email + temporary link after payment with NO admin action ?

Can you confirm it ? undecided

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Posted on the from Axel  
Peter W.
Peter W.

I have just tried this by making a test purchase with PayPal on my own website. I must agree that the order was NOT automatically processed after payment through PayPal - this is clearly a bug with Website X5 as the system is not doing what it claims to do. I am using the latest version on WebsiteX5 2019.3.9 and have also checked again that the process automatically function was activated (as shown above).

What we need is some code that is inserted into the payment succesful page that will then process the order, with PayPal or Stripe, automatically. If necessary, we can have seperate success pages for each payment method.

Is there anyone here who can program that for us?

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.


@ Incomedia

C'mon girls and guys - this feature will retain your old users and surely attract the new ones! (Heck, I'll be buying UP for sure)

When something like this can be done by an "advance" user - it will be a 30 min. job for you!

...and later you could brag about it (in bold letters) in the next X5 update! cool

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Posted on the from Sinisa B.
Peter W.
Peter W.

For an expert PHP programmer, this should be easy to handle as all the code for processing orders has to be in the admin section on our websites. It is a matter of receiving the order confirmation from PayPal or Stripe and then processing it. 

If there is nobody here who can work it out for us, there are plenty of good PHP programmers on who could probably get it working for us. It would cost us a few dollars, but then we would have it working. We could easily share the costs - in fact that very sharing would be a means of testing it works!!!

If Incomedia has been unable to get this working for us for so long, maybe it is time WE solved this for them, just like we got Stripe implemented.  Who is prepared to donate a few dollars?

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Posted on the from Peter W.

Hello Peter,

Look at this post which is the same idea.

But it seems impossible to get variables regarding the order AFTER payment.

So when your payment is done and successful you can go back to the return_page_ok but YOU CANNOT get the variables to do osomething like my exampel on the previosu post.

So the add the link to a digital product dynamiccaly, it seems impossible because variables are dead after payment !

And to be honest our user's role is not systematically to find a workaround to run correctly.

Website is fully WYSIWIG (almost wink), so it's a good reason to not go back to the hand code at each time :-)


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Posted on the from Axel  
Franck M.
Franck M.

Hi all,

I confirm, there are no variables related to the post-payment process.

I ask for them to incomedia since 2 years without a positive answer :-(

I would have been ready 2 years ago to push a little further, but that's one of the reasons I left wx5 for e-commerce.

Even if we have to find the solutions ourselves, they don't want to make the effort to give us the data to do it.

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Posted on the from Franck M.
Peter W.
Peter W.

First of all, all the order information we need is in the database and Stripe (for example) provides the data to us as parameters when the successful page is called.

So as long as we can read those parameters (order number and payment successful is all we need), surely it is then only a matter of activating the processing?  

Of course, I agree that it should be Incomedia getting this to work for us, but they appear to be letting us down on this score. I had a similar situation with a vBulletin forum I run and I got a guy in Poland who was able to fully automate Stripe payments for subscriptions there. The situation here is very similar.

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Franck M.
Franck M.

Yes, everything works with stripe, I even managed to make payments in several times!

The problem is that it is not up to us to do the job! and to manage the entire process of delivery, sending emails, etc...

We lack information and freedom of action since Incomédia does not do the job.

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Posted on the from Franck M.
Peter W.
Peter W.

It is certainly the case that Incomedia has to get things working for PayPal, but the Stripe implementation is not provided by Incomedia, but by us. Incomedia has all the infrastructure built for sending emails, etc. All that is missing is to automatically activate the processing of orders. If it is possible to do, why not. We can see the code in the admin area that displays the orders and lets us confirm them, so it must be possible.

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Posted on the from Peter W.


here the problem is:

If you find a good solution do that (with the good dev guy or other). It's a ponctual solution because it's (big) development around your actual website version to close your needs.

And what if your solution does not works with the next update version.
and next one ...

Too complicate to do that. and to support evolution, because it's a fully external code not supported by Incomedia.

Develop a new bank process, to pay.. like now ; why not...because you are staying inthe website concept...end the proces is staying th same.

But intercept code in vx.YY is not guranted with vx.ZZ

It's my point of view..


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Posted on the from Axel  
Peter W.
Peter W.

I have asked the guy that setup the Stripe system on vBulletin (which works perfectly) to have a look. I will let you know what happens. Of course the best thing would be if Incomedia would pick this up and solve it for us.
They have not commented here, yet.

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Stefano G.

Hello everyone

The necessity of having a different payment method added which can possibly support both the automatic delivery of the products in one's order as well as widen the number of currencies supported is a particularly hot topic that is being reported by several users lately.

Different Idea topics were opened on this and I can confirm that this particular matter has been highlighted properly to the developing team as to be able to dedicate the proper attention to it while gathering information from the user about what exactly is it that they would like to see.

No information is currently available on this but it is clear that such an improvement would benefit many users across different countries and I ensure you that such requests do not go unheard.

It is not possible to tell when this matter will be discussed or addressed by the Staff but should there be any news on this, it will surely be made public as to let everyone know of the upcoming improvements

Thank you for your dedication and patience as we keep on working to improve the software


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Franck M.
Franck M.


You talk like a politician before an election, And that's not a compliment.

These requests have been recurring for years and still nothing in sight.

Your policy is leading more and more users, including myself, to leave the websiteX5 ship for lack of permanent solutions.

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Posted on the from Franck M.
Peter W.
Peter W.

The expert I used for the Stripe vBullitin implementation is now looking at this issue for me. He tells me he will be able to fix this for us and even improve the Stripe implementation. I will report back again when it is working.

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Peter W.
Peter W.

After a couple of days work with the expert I know, it is all working properly. Stripe credit card payments with automatic fulfillment as soon as the payment is successful. Just a few cosmetic changes to make, but the ordering process is solid using the latest Stripe api for European payments wiith 3dsecure payments.

I have to pay the expert for fixing this. Anyone here prepared to contribute a few Euros in exchange for the working code? Should be complete for release in a few days once testing is complete and the process documented.

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Peter W.
Peter W.

The Stripe Credit Card payments system is working well. Customers can order digital downloads from the website, buy online with their credit card and are automatically sent the download link as soon as the payment has been made. The installation is complete and working perfectly with WebsiteX5 pro 2019.3.10

You can see it working on my new website here:

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Peter W.
Peter W.

Three pages are defined as landing pages in the mod. = The payment succedded - Order number is displayed  = If the customer clicks on the pay now button in the email after having already paid, this page is shown. = If the payment fails, this page is shown.

European payments makes use of the stricter two step authorization. System is up to date with latest api (unlike previous Stripe payment system). 
I am very happy with this implementation.
I will  look  into  making  the  code  available  for  you  guys  to  use  when  I have more  time.

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Franck M.
Franck M.

Congratulations for this integration and congratulations for managing the webhook and the two step authorization of the new Stripe API with websiteX5.

As a simple user of WX5, I left WX5 2 years ago because of this kind of deficiencies and I see that the incomedia policy has not evolved, and it is the users who must invest themselves OR INVEST MONEY to fill the gaps of the software, it is deplorable for a software that is intended PROFESSIONAL.

Congratulations again to you!

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Posted on the from Franck M.
Peter W.
Peter W.

Thanks, and also thanks to you, Frank M., as it was your work that inspired me to find a solution. Luckily, I knew an expert that was specialised in implementing payment processors and I basically gave him the job as I needed it for my new website dedicated to archiving Yahoo Groups that are about to be all deleted on December 14.

Now I still have to pay that expert and if possible I would like to recover at least some of those costs. There are two possibilities, either Incomedia pays me for a licence to distribute the solution with WebsiteX5 or I setup a little website and offer it to you guys individually to pay a few Euros for the code. The paying process itself would be a demonstration of how well it works!

So I will give Incomedia the first chance of negotiating this... Stefano, what do you say?

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Peter W.
Peter W.

This is the custom code that is input into WebsiteX5

Custom Code for Stripe Payments

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Stefano G.

Hello Peter

I appreciate your dedication in wanting to expand the software potential. I can guarantee that it is in our best interest to pursue this goal as well in the best way possible, even when changes or improvements which are very requested take long to be properly discussed, evaluated and eventually implemented.

The situation is still the one I mentioned in my previous post. I will add that should this particular topic be finally developed officially as a standard functionality of WebSite X5, it will be entirely coded by Incomedia according to the internal structure of the software so that it works in the best way possible and integrates all the functionalities this service is able to offer

I thank you once more for your dedication and willingness in helping the software grow as we keep on working to improve it further and further


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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Peter W.
Peter W.

I understand that message to say, "we do not want your ready-made solution now, at some time in the future we will do it ourselves."

That's fine, I will create a little website and offer the working solution for them now for a few Euros.
I just need to  finalise  it.

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Posted on the from Peter W.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

@Peter W.

It's important to remember that even users who DON'T have a PayPal account can pay with any other credit card simply by choosing "PAY WITH ONE CARD" (marked in red on the screenshot - PayPal Italian version):

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Posted on the from Giuseppe Guida