Error Downloading Update To 
Author: John Møller
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Hallo there. I have got your mail about update to, but when try to update I stille got error 404. When I instead go to your Download site I can only get where there is no problem to download. What is the problem?
Regards John
Posted on the
. . . update to does exist only *online* - did you check your firewall to allow conection to the update-server - and/or (Vista, Win7) did you start x5 as admin ?
We will update the installation files. This takes time just because of the numbers of editions (Evo, Compact, etc) and the number of avaiable languages (18 languages). Have you simple try to download the updates again?
Thanks for your answers, but it dosn't help, I still get error 404 and my firewall accept the update-server and I have tried to open as administrator.
Ok but then I have to wait for the possibility to download when you have finished the big job.
Can you send me a email with the url for a direct download of Danish version or give me a mail when I can make a direct download.
Regards John
Hello John we'll update the download file soon but, as I told you, this will take time. I suggest you to try solve the Internet updates. It seems that there are some problem with the firewall or the Internet connection. Have you also tried blocking the firewall?
The error 404 is visible when the software cannot connect to Internet or to the server do download the files. Let me know.
I have tried to disconnect my firewall, but it dosn't help.
I suppose that I have to wait for a direct download.
Have a good week-end
Regards John
Thanks for your reply. I'll let you know when the files will be online. Thanks
John right click the desktop X5 icon and "Run as Administrator" you'll find it'll work!!
I have exactly the same problem - error 404.
(And it doesn't work when clicking "Run as Administrator").
So I also would like to get a message, when the files will be online, so I don't have to check it all the time.
Beside that I am wondering - if the update really WAS working, what language would be installed, because the new danish version can't yet be downloaded directly on the downloadpage.
Thanks for your answers, but it didn't help. I have tried several times as administrator, I still get 404-error.
I am running the danish version
If the new update only is in english, maybe it could be the problem??
Have a nice week-end
I have the same problem as John with the German version. But I got the errorcode 406. I haven't an account which is called Administrator but my account have administrator rights. Also I include ImUpdate.exe as exception into the firewall and antivirus programm. Therefore I need also an notification if a download version is availble.
-> error 406
Could Not Write Files:
WebSite X5 exe or dll files are still in memory and the imUpdate cannot overwrite them. The software could be opened (user has more than one session opened) or an antivirus or firewall are blocking the files.
Hello, just to let you know we upload all the files in all the languages!
Hello Steve. Thanks I have already downloaded the file and will now install it.
Thank you very much
Regards John
I have bought your upload french version sofware yesterday. I have the same problem in the step of licensing. Error code 404... i must finalize my created website project at the end of the week... thanks for your support. Best regards
-> error 404
Could Not Connect To Server:
no Internet connection or server error
Your support give me a new link 12pm and the problem still being. I have the same code error... 404 just after have entered my code licensing... i hope that we will rapidely find the solution....thanks for your support. best regards... frédéric
-> Antivirus/Firewall problem ? - connection to server blocked . . .
Hi, thanks for your answer... I don't have firewall... addemore i tried with an other PC and i have the same problem...
i just tried !!! it works !!!! thanks a lot ...